The Man behind the Mask

The Man behind the Mask
However, - As Alice will tell you - What you see is not necessarily - What you get !

About Me

My photo
I think of myself as a Hippie, your opinion is noted for sure. I’m not lazy or dirty or weird, + I know not if there is a cure. I live my life as I do wish to, you may not be my number 1 fan. But I have my beliefs and my feelings, allow me them if you so can. Peace Justice + freedom are uppermost, in the mental list I have in my head.I am not for oppression + violence, my opinion, I feel, must be said. Don’t mock as I sit with my flowers, cut out all those jibes at my dress. Don’t treat me with contempt + with fury, it’s the World that is sat in a mess. I know I annoy you with questions, I know that you wish me away. But I’m here to stay + I promise, if you listen then you’ll realise one day. I am not full of hot air + rubbish, there are remedies that can be found. But we must work together, as comrades + work out the ideas that are sound. If you don’t + you shun me forever, don’t take in the things that I say. I’ll sympathise + continue to irritate, + always I'll remain so this way.

My Girls

My Girls
At their Hotel (?)

Saturday, 31 October 2009


SAMHAIN: The last festival of the wheel – A time of ending / beginning, moments to reflect upon and appreciate accomplishments. When the world of shadow merges with an illumination in twilight vision.
The wheel turns, and seasonal change is upon us। Once more I feel a calling from within - strong is the pull of Luna at this time for me it seems. An occasion of non-calendar for those who comply with what is deemed as ‘normality’, though for us others, it is an event to be observed with reverence. It’s a time to honour our ancestors (some of whom have had their achievements confined to the back pages of ‘his’ story). To ponder upon with respect and look forward positively, continuing to further develop their ideals.
In recent times, lore has been taken over by commercialisation and events diluted by those non-believers, who for reason of greed (or maybe fear) wish to take ownership of it – how wrong! Mothers’ timepiece transcends mere mortal time.
It is indeed, a Magical period, when the veil separating the physical plane and spiritual realms is at its strongest; that is, to those who wish to feel such connection and can attune themselves to the mystical visions of the shadows.
I enjoy the embrace of the karma that is always around, especially at this period. As I do so, I see the spectres of guidance with greater clarity.
Those that; primarily, dwell within the nightfall hours are the true ghosts of another dimension. Usually visiting in the fleeting moments of twilight to pass on the messages, warnings and/or forecasts of what may/or will occur, such visitations deserve note.
Readings of Rune and/or the Tarot too are particularity accurate at this time, as such I feel they are to be mindfully considered, for divination is an Art which most fail to use and be mindful of - we discount the ancient fear of evil with dubious confidence; for little do we know of this. The marking of this period has been with us throughout the eras, but in recent times the ‘event’ is of less fear, more laughter, games, pranks, decoration, costume and celebration. Like other such dates, a lack of comprehension or lackadaisical attitude has seen it lose its’ true significance. I believe that whilst it can be understandable to don the disguise of the self in order to reduce such trepidation and terror, it belittles truth. In this 24/7 – NOW! World; that we currently inhabit, we have lost our focus - Do not be fooled, the balance of power is continually disputed; lose the ancient senses, and we will no longer be able to pass the baton of ultra-existence to our children.
We must remember to pass such on, lest we lose what lore we strain to retain, and it becomes in time, the unknown. Those who condemn the rituals of tradition as fool hardy, are those who fail to understand and appreciate the density of truth - easy to condemn than comprehend it seems, so much for tolerance then? I will by laying an extra place at the dinner table for those who have passed over to the Summerland’s, for our yesterdays are the foundations of which we are fortunate to had advanced from, sacrifices were/are for a reason. We should contemplate, be conscious of more, if not all that is around us and realise that we are fortunate to live upon a planet that gives so much - if only people would be as giving and tolerant.
We ought to recognise we all have a part to play in the eternal cycle of life and at least agree that wheels do turn, and the continuation of a journey forever is always PAST, Present and/to Future.
It is a much smoother ride if we remember those six profound words of wisdom, * Peace + Love ~ Save the Planet *

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

HIPPIE – (me)

I think of myself as a Hippie–your opinion is noted for sure,
No I’m not lazy or dirty or weird–and I know not if there is a cure,
I live my life as I do wish to–you may not be my number 1 fan,
But I have my beliefs and my feelings–allow me them, if you so can.
Peace, Justice + freedom are uppermost–are thoughts that I have in my head,
I’m not for oppression and violence–though my opinion, I feel, must be said,
Whether sat in a crowd, or solo meditate–I discus or we think all alone,
I am my own man, I am a singular–I am not a society clone.
I wish to see harmony general–and that love will obliterate hate,
I want to see peoples united-and that they celebrate peace with their mate,
The end of my quest, it is distant–and may be an impossible goal,
Regardless, I’ll continue, endeavour–to attain inner peace in my soul.
Don’t mock as I sit with my flowers–cut out all those jibes at my dress,
Don’t treat me with contempt and with fury–it’s the World that is sat in a mess.
I know I annoy you with questions-I know that you wish me away,
But I’m here to stay, and I promise–if you listen you’ll realise one day,
I am not full of hot air and rubbish–there are remedies to be found,
But we must work together, as comrades–and calculate ideas that are sound,
If you don’t and persist so to shun me – don’t take in the things that I say,
I’ll sympathise and continue to irritate–and always will remain me this way

Help In Producing Peaceful Individual Existence
Children are the future - "teach them well and they will bloom like radiant flowers" * Peace + Love ~ Save the Planet *

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Passing On

When a loved one leaves us, passing on and over into that which is beyond, it is only natural that we feel the deep hurting that such a loss brings with it, for it is that space which is left, that there lies a void nigh impossible to fill. The deep wounding at the moment in time cannot be truly felt by any but the individual themselves, and no matter how genuine and sincere the sentiments are, few words can fully repair the heart. It is down to those that remain, to provide a stability of support to those who feel such pain. Whilst the grieving process can take different forms, I am quite sure that it is with ‘happy thoughts’ rather than regret, that those who loved and were loved wish to be remembered, and is important to keep hold of those memories with cherished positivity.
Even in a comparatively short period, one can make a connection with someone who can inspire so much and able to strike up an immediate and mutual friendship, regardless of age, sex or ...language!
I am confident that those whom we have made such a connection with, will always be there for all those who cared, and even if it is in the shadow-world of semi-focus, that with regular positive recollection of the new Angel of spiritual guidance, they will ensure that their aura will forever remain in the heart and minds of all who either knew, or knew of them, and bear part of the burden when the agents of darkness conspires against one.
Special people are so, not necessarily because of the explosive impact that they make upon specific instances, but moreover it is because of their consistency। Those, who with a steadfast character of reliability, confidence and trust; along with a support through adversity, will always shine. Such qualities emanate from an inner soul that is based on conviction of conscience. In the short time that you know certain people, there can be such a connection that inspires such confidence – so even when the passing on process does occur, it is also a passing over into a new realm of dimension – and their spirit will be there always.
Champagne and strawberries are indeed nice, though most of the time you can’t beat, a pint...and a Pork pie!

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

“Because I only turn 21 twice (?)”

It’s that time again! Rather typical that my second bundle of joy (and fun?!) believes that any day with a “Y” in it has a case for celebration. With the arrival of her 22nd Birthday, well there’s even more of a reason.
My little girl, back from her transatlantic travels (for now) has taken little time in making her arrangements for a themed party, at my house – I guess I am invited (?) well Dad will be needed - another day of tidying up awaits
“Charlie”: or “Ice”: for she is so chilled (?!) ’ has always had the ability to mix in with many and bring a good deal of laughter to those with whom she acquaints. Like her big sister, she also believes in the fulfilment of the 24/7 modern day lifestyles, though is also measured in her actions and careful in her sensibility.
She can sleep-in with the best, but is wide-awake and sparkles into life when the glasses chink and the music starts to play. Unlike, her big sis (and more like Bono) however, she doesn’t seem to have found what she’s looking for, though in the meantime, believes life is for living and its’ next great adventure lies over the next hill; ‘onward ever onward’ or, is it “to infinity, and beyond”?
A sensitive girl (in hiding?) she has always enjoyed expressing her persona and more like ‘Party’ than ‘Barbie’ is looking to take her adventures even further a field (look out Oz!) It is pleasing to know that she (and sis!) encompasses such spirit and drive, that if not to dramatically change the World, then to make their mark upon it – with enthusiastic boldness and confidence.
Well with the weekends’ beano drawing nearer, looks like the preparations begin today, for in the words of that infamous colour ‘Pink’, I suppose the party had better get started (ooh eer!)