The wheel turns to point to Lughnasadh, another of the Sabbats, that of Lugh; deity of pagan descent. A respite for refreshment and rejuvenation, as those warm lazy summer days begin to wane, the breeze in the air changes direction and a time to store away our fruits in preparation for the cooler, darker nights of winter. The first harvest of the year reaped afore taking a step closer to the autumn quarter.
The main focus of the day is of cultivation, reaping that which has been sowed. In whatever quantity, it should be encouraged – from a field to a garden, allotment to window box, all is relevant and indeed equally fulfilling.
Irish lore celebrates with beano - bonfires, dancing and games, an invitation for the old and young to join together in an atmosphere of friendship and of love shared.
Indeed within Gaelic folklore, there is ritual of hand fasting (in modern terms an engagement of betrothal, lasting a year and a day) an act of a mutual respect that is quite reasonable though maybe the original tradition somewhat debatable; being somewhat of a blind lottery. Still, definite courtships before a suitable pairing entered into does have a deliberate structure about it, and to be fair, no other way is fool proof it seems.
For me, my faith has always been; out of circumstance, embraced in solo mode. Not for many a time gone by has there been a substantial kinship of spiritual collaboration, though we all are individualist in our choice of praise.
I started with a gentle walk though my local countryside, an amble of about 5 miles. Taking me from buildings and houses to serene countryside to a hostelry of olde ale and relaxed ambience, allowing me to absorb, in both calm and uplifting manner, it is always a welcome respite from the day’s convention.
I strode out into a warm atmosphere though it wasn’t long before there was a brief shower of refreshment.
A downpour lasted ten minutes before abating, and then the aroma of freshness filed the air and with gentle breeze to accompany the still warmth. I continued on my way along a path that I have trod many times.
Picturesque beauty can be found in the most unlikeliest of places and whatever mood the climate takes, it is always a good day.
Time passes as wheels turn, and I see the olde farmhouse that used to be a hive of activity now derelict, almost overgrown by greenery, I reflected upon the knowledge that nature is always on the march to restore what was and what will invariably be again, though memories of yesterday will always remain like ghosts in the wind.
As I near my destination along now defunct roads, I passed by the small cemetery, a respectful recognition for those who had given their all in defence of freedom. I noted the gate slightly ajar, and; as is the rule when out in rural setting, closed it with reverence.
Arriving at the Inn, I purchased liquid refreshment, removed my shoes, sat in the open air and enjoying the view watched the mechanical birds fly in and out whilst unwinding my cares away.
Barring the gentle rumbling of aircraft and playful banter of children the air was peaceful and I could have drifted into deeper slumber, however there was still more to do this day – l still it was a good three hour period of muse.
I reluctantly rose dressed and returned for my next phase of my duties of the day.
Arriving at my abode of desire, I set out my fare of choice; traditionally loaf mass or Lammas, adorned with fruits and green vegetables, I placed out some freshly made bread along with apple and grapes, carrot, spinach and added a small concoction of alcoholic and natural mixture for self sustenance and what was to be shared with others; even though such sharing was with that of shadows.
I set my altar with 5ive crystals of aura – selection of the stones pertaining to any ritual is I feel is key to the invocation of required spiritual assistance.
A quiet setting of peace, I sit within a haze of incense of Aloe, Rose and Sandalwood to meditate and in semi-silence reach out and within, in order to complete my respectful acknowledgement of what has been, and in hope of what may be. For in reality, however bad we may feel life has treated us, there is always something to be grateful of.
With words of relevance I speak my verse with favoured mantra before partaking more of my nourishment. After completing my small but personal ritual; and in order to recuperate from it – I settle down for contemplation
Meditation plays a significant part in my interpretation of faith and I feel I have attained a degree of mental and spiritual growth - though when do we ever cease from growing? Whilst we may pause for a while, it is only to get another wind and to focus on future development – educational evolution is not only a right, but a duty, and for those of receptive desire, it is a responsibility to pass on, not through incitement, but with word, image and deed it is in this where this philosophy inspires. It is then possible, completion of any work gives satisfaction though for me it only seems a chapter’s end and the book goes on.
Reflection gives a good grounding for the next step of our journey, be it in unity with others of like minded faith or for others, solitude, alone but not lonely – for one is never truly alone with faith.
Lammas is a good time to ponder past and then move on from what has been, planning for the next stage of the road we travel
With the final passage of events completed, I end the day with the words of lore “Blessed be to all”
I am Complex, Creative + Cosmopolitan: I look for a Venus to compliment my Mars: A female Soul mate who can empathise and share in my Philosophy that the answer to all questions, are rooted with the inner Soul. I find solace in Music and believe in honour, virtue + freedom: My Faith is in: H.I.P.P.I.E. # Help In Producing Peaceful Individual Existence # *Peace + Love.Protest + Protect.Save the Planet*
The Man behind the Mask

However, - As Alice will tell you - What you see is not necessarily - What you get !
About Me

- Billy
- I think of myself as a Hippie, your opinion is noted for sure. I’m not lazy or dirty or weird, + I know not if there is a cure. I live my life as I do wish to, you may not be my number 1 fan. But I have my beliefs and my feelings, allow me them if you so can. Peace Justice + freedom are uppermost, in the mental list I have in my head.I am not for oppression + violence, my opinion, I feel, must be said. Don’t mock as I sit with my flowers, cut out all those jibes at my dress. Don’t treat me with contempt + with fury, it’s the World that is sat in a mess. I know I annoy you with questions, I know that you wish me away. But I’m here to stay + I promise, if you listen then you’ll realise one day. I am not full of hot air + rubbish, there are remedies that can be found. But we must work together, as comrades + work out the ideas that are sound. If you don’t + you shun me forever, don’t take in the things that I say. I’ll sympathise + continue to irritate, + always I'll remain so this way.
My Girls

At their Hotel (?)
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