THURS: 22 / 09 / 11: My weekend starts here:
Despite the monotony of the day, I am lightened in spirit, as I feel better for the forthcoming arrival of better things to come. As the wheel turns to another calendar date of note and Mabon is upon me. The week’s toil is almost concluded, and tomorrow I can celebrate the autumnal equinox of the Northern hemisphere. A date I can enjoy with clear mind and focus; following persistent negotiation or should that be, nagging?
A degree of persuasion was needed before I was afforded leave of absence for the day. Initially, I had been denied recognition of this, my faith; I was told could not be recorded – as the system didn’t recognise it as a religion, they putting me down as having no faith (we haven’t got a box for that indeed!) I wasn’t happy
It was only when the 2010 UK census came about, and entry on the ‘official’ form I pressed this again. This time; though no doubt reluctantly they relented and my box; if not card, was marked.
Having achieved this ‘minor’ victory, I pushed further of this recognition and requested to be allowed leave to respect my credo of choice with faith days being duly noted. It seemed at first they were unsure of what to make of this and some seemingly vague questions were asked of me. Though it was in a vein of interest, I knew it was moreover a fishing exhibition into the validity of my desire. I answered accordingly with simple, honest and though not always direct retort, it was sufficient for them to accept the sincerity of my enquiry.
Though they didn’t totally capitulate, they did cede to my request; as long as I could arrange coverage on specific shifts – I’ll take that. And so my Sabbats will be enjoyed with reverence and due accord – Witch is nice.
Considering we are supposed to be a free society, built on freedom of speech and tolerance, added to that my employment of over a quarter of a century continually states the importance of diversity, they can be so choosy at when that policy is put to use.
Similarly, outside of work, when I am asked of my faith; for I do not preach, it is met with the stereotypical “oh, naked girls dancing around the campfire eh”, the reference to spells, withes brews and to the (1973 version) film of the ‘Wicker man’ – well I do confess, bar the choice of sacrifice, the ideology does have a good degree of appeal.
Regardless of the opine of individual, for we all have them, it is important to understand that whatever one’s tenet is, pomp and ceremony, simplicity and reverence – trust in the deity/deities or elemental natural environment it is a personal facet of one’s ego, and if one finds solace and comfort within it, then who can argue with the conviction of the aura.
Tomorrow, I will spend with, and in adherence to my belief and wish the best of blessings to all
I am Complex, Creative + Cosmopolitan: I look for a Venus to compliment my Mars: A female Soul mate who can empathise and share in my Philosophy that the answer to all questions, are rooted with the inner Soul. I find solace in Music and believe in honour, virtue + freedom: My Faith is in: H.I.P.P.I.E. # Help In Producing Peaceful Individual Existence # *Peace + Love.Protest + Protect.Save the Planet*
The Man behind the Mask

However, - As Alice will tell you - What you see is not necessarily - What you get !
About Me

- Billy
- I think of myself as a Hippie, your opinion is noted for sure. I’m not lazy or dirty or weird, + I know not if there is a cure. I live my life as I do wish to, you may not be my number 1 fan. But I have my beliefs and my feelings, allow me them if you so can. Peace Justice + freedom are uppermost, in the mental list I have in my head.I am not for oppression + violence, my opinion, I feel, must be said. Don’t mock as I sit with my flowers, cut out all those jibes at my dress. Don’t treat me with contempt + with fury, it’s the World that is sat in a mess. I know I annoy you with questions, I know that you wish me away. But I’m here to stay + I promise, if you listen then you’ll realise one day. I am not full of hot air + rubbish, there are remedies that can be found. But we must work together, as comrades + work out the ideas that are sound. If you don’t + you shun me forever, don’t take in the things that I say. I’ll sympathise + continue to irritate, + always I'll remain so this way.
My Girls

At their Hotel (?)
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