Well, not long to go now, and with no letting up in the Government strategy of public sector cuts, and a willingness of a force to comply without a steadfast defence; seemingly to prefer a “wait until the wheel falls off” approach, I wonder what tomorrows presentation will yield. Although it seems that any further reduction in the provision of service will see worrying consequences, the focus on streamlining and risk assessment will, have repercussions, of that I have no doubt. Still, one must keep positive focus, I guess.
I make a few trips to the library, though find disappointment as the book I ordered of Wiccan theme has not yet come in – though maybe it’s popularity being the reason – hmm.
This week marked the US holiday of MLK; a man of conviction, courage and inspiration. I have his speech posted up on my living room wall as a reminder that the 60s were not all spectrum colours and peace and Love, but built on a solid Black and White foundation of status that needed to be challenged and overcome before the pleasures could be embraced and enjoyed – something that many forget. I remember as a (very) young child being so impressed with his aura, a champion of just cause and a man destined to be a noted figure in history –the memory continues.
I had a visitor on Wednesday, a rather attractive young lady who with cheery smile and tender words attempted me to commit to a Direct Debit to assist an animal charity; though the cause worthy, financial restraint is with us all, it was only after reflection that although her convictions seemed to be true, there is always the taste of scam in the air and maybe my subconscious instinct served me well. Too suspicious, maybe but then again
I chat with another young lady. A friend I met some while ago though regrettably lost touch with, she too of public service, and of conviction of merit, continuing her academic studies in positive manner. I offer her opine upon her essay work, required for presentation for educational merit.
Since the New Year, I have become more self-disciplined in the provision of 500 word text within a structured timeframe. Well one can always offer assistance; even if it not taken. With a forthcoming assessment due, it’s hoped that achievement will follow! Followers of my arm will be interested (?) to know that I think I have sussed out the cause, and his name be Arthur, Arthur Ritus! Oh old age you are a bugger - especially when I view Linda on U-Tube! I reminisce of a time when youthful exuberance was common place and once again reflect upon the importance of living for the moment. Although Linda still retains her charms, my mirror shows, time is not as forgiving – lol.
To coin a phrase (One of mine) “The joyous memories of tomorrow will be based on the pleasure that we get from whilst living in and for today”
I am Complex, Creative + Cosmopolitan: I look for a Venus to compliment my Mars: A female Soul mate who can empathise and share in my Philosophy that the answer to all questions, are rooted with the inner Soul. I find solace in Music and believe in honour, virtue + freedom: My Faith is in: H.I.P.P.I.E. # Help In Producing Peaceful Individual Existence # *Peace + Love.Protest + Protect.Save the Planet*
The Man behind the Mask

However, - As Alice will tell you - What you see is not necessarily - What you get !
About Me

- Billy
- I think of myself as a Hippie, your opinion is noted for sure. I’m not lazy or dirty or weird, + I know not if there is a cure. I live my life as I do wish to, you may not be my number 1 fan. But I have my beliefs and my feelings, allow me them if you so can. Peace Justice + freedom are uppermost, in the mental list I have in my head.I am not for oppression + violence, my opinion, I feel, must be said. Don’t mock as I sit with my flowers, cut out all those jibes at my dress. Don’t treat me with contempt + with fury, it’s the World that is sat in a mess. I know I annoy you with questions, I know that you wish me away. But I’m here to stay + I promise, if you listen then you’ll realise one day. I am not full of hot air + rubbish, there are remedies that can be found. But we must work together, as comrades + work out the ideas that are sound. If you don’t + you shun me forever, don’t take in the things that I say. I’ll sympathise + continue to irritate, + always I'll remain so this way.
My Girls

At their Hotel (?)
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