The start of the week sees a positive communication with an arrangement for a Friday date to catch up on what has been an eventful period for her. Despite an open invitation to drop in, and promises to come around, I decide to move the mountain to Mohammed and invite myself to hers - for which she agrees - result? - well, we shall see.
A visit to the bank to arrange/sort finances always seems to leave one leave with less than more, ah well - it's only money!After preparing for my midweek Union meeting on auto-pilot, the next day's sessions sees a degree of minor dis-agreement with the officers - as always it seems Rebel, though with a cause. With the prospect of a position becoming available, I muse upon the development of myself - fighting for fairness has/is/will ever be my goal - so I think upon; even though my silent instinct tingles for the shadows behind the scenes - I thought we are friends in Unison, not subject to Orwell's Animal Farm viewpoint - well, we shall see.
I pop to see daughter and Grand daughter for an update on their being - though not 100% the little one still has the arty bug in her and I am adorned with stickers aplenty upon my shirt - fashion tips from an eighteen month angel - well, one has to get on and get down 'with the kids' - well, we shall see
And so Friday arrives and with thirty minutes to go; whilst doing a quick FB check - I receive a chat from my 'friend'. I send "I hope you have something nice for my tea" that met with the reply "Oh didn't you get my text? - I have to cancel"! A reason was given and a story told though as I have learnt to expect "Such reliability in her unreliability" - or as I put it "In the words of the BeaTles - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"! - we did see
In the early hours of Saturday sees visions of serene delight, of mermaids with Golden hair and alluring atraction, brightening my expectation of the near and far future, for there is always hope = One of my better dreams.
Later on in the day, I rendezvous with another friend, she of sweet nature and sensitive need. We enjoy a meal of Inn fayre, a chat of many facets and then a wandering around a local maket of countrylife goods and produce. With a choice of cake, meat, fish, cheese,fruit and vegalong with trinkets and clothes all of reasonable price - oh, and then there was the Owl of regal plumage. This time we spent was most enjoyable and rounded off the week on a high. With more liaison planned, maybe this beginnings has more tales for (well maybe not) to tell, well, we shall indeed see
I am Complex, Creative + Cosmopolitan: I look for a Venus to compliment my Mars: A female Soul mate who can empathise and share in my Philosophy that the answer to all questions, are rooted with the inner Soul. I find solace in Music and believe in honour, virtue + freedom: My Faith is in: H.I.P.P.I.E. # Help In Producing Peaceful Individual Existence # *Peace + Love.Protest + Protect.Save the Planet*
The Man behind the Mask

However, - As Alice will tell you - What you see is not necessarily - What you get !
About Me

- Billy
- I think of myself as a Hippie, your opinion is noted for sure. I’m not lazy or dirty or weird, + I know not if there is a cure. I live my life as I do wish to, you may not be my number 1 fan. But I have my beliefs and my feelings, allow me them if you so can. Peace Justice + freedom are uppermost, in the mental list I have in my head.I am not for oppression + violence, my opinion, I feel, must be said. Don’t mock as I sit with my flowers, cut out all those jibes at my dress. Don’t treat me with contempt + with fury, it’s the World that is sat in a mess. I know I annoy you with questions, I know that you wish me away. But I’m here to stay + I promise, if you listen then you’ll realise one day. I am not full of hot air + rubbish, there are remedies that can be found. But we must work together, as comrades + work out the ideas that are sound. If you don’t + you shun me forever, don’t take in the things that I say. I’ll sympathise + continue to irritate, + always I'll remain so this way.
My Girls

At their Hotel (?)
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