In a week when I am enjoying leave from work, I get the opportunity to spend more time with my Grand Daughter of 18 months.
We take the 30 mile trip to see my mother following her recent move. Attracting the attention of those she meets as she toddles around always brings a smile to my face. As confidence is seen to rise in her, so too I hope that will be aspiration, drive and ambition. Interaction with others is always a key aspect of communicating messages, inspiration to, for and with others and the advancement of/and educational development - yes I guess I do have high hopes.
Finding a balance of clean/tidying, rest/writing and (dare one say it?) socialising, I find a degree difficult; not so much the physical but the mental attuning of mindset. Spending and not wasting time is something I don't ordinarily like to do, though when one is attempting to gain as much as can be from holiday time, I feel like a certain White Rabbit, 'so much to do, so little time'.
I spend the; almost obligatory, three hour waiting time as I accompany my youngest daughter to her appointment at the hospital - for dental treatment that did not occur - such is the way.
Another two days on Grand Dad duty is always good - though I experience some disheartening news, as first the Bank, then the Building Society advise me that I an unable to open an ISA account for her (as a Grandparent!) (though as a parent one can!!) - it beats me why not, though I will continue to look for investment opportunities for in which to bequeath financial reward to (even if it has to be in a last will and testament)
With my future Son-in-law hitting the milestone of 30th birthday, a sobering thought for those of older age - 1990, what was I up to? - A job where I was enjoying a degree of success, still married, able to participate in athletic sport and experience the feeling of popularity (lol) those were indeed the days. Still, with Phoebe on the case at least the obstacle courses of ever enthusiastic activity, youth springs eternal - at least that's the plan.
A Grand ending to the week as 11:59 Sat sees the arrival of Maximus George, brother to Phoebe, first Grand Son to me - Mum (Dad, big Sister) and Baby are well - which is all one can ask for = Happy days :)
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