It is a rainy end start to the weekend, with the most positive thing to say about it, is the fact that, it gives an excuse not, to creosle the fence -although one day soon, then the deed must be done. Monday sees the day of England Patron Saint (George). - though what he would feel at the lack of celebration? Disappointing is, most probably the word
Tuesday sees the stirrings of physical unrest and the symptoms of a slight illness, and though I like to think it is just tiredness, it is the sign of things to come.
Though Wednesday begins quite productively; with my input at the unit meeting being significant and productive in attaining a positive outcome for those whom I represent. Though by the ending on the day, I am beginning to feel the onset of migraine and upon arrival at home, make the the short trip up the wooden stairs, where blanket fair is going to be a play where I rest my head in darkness and silence - well I can but try.
Thursday see a further two Union meetings. With my early night alleviating most of my head pains, it is the sore throat, dodgy cough and general lethargy that I endure. Later in the evening I am joined by the younger of my two girls, who stops over, and even makes me a cup of tea - Gee, I must be looking bad!
Annual leave is suitably appropriate; and indeed welcome, as I take Lennon's and Ono's advice in giving 'Peace a chance' and stayed in bed for the duration. Despite the best of efforts in self-medicating, the ailments of illness win the day and another uncomfortable day - I don't like being ill; the buzzing in the head, the pressure laying on the eyes, a nose both blocked and streaming, the cough and soreness of throat - gosh it's not a feeling good. With sleep periods measured more in minutes rather than hours, its proving hard to shake off and; more to the point, so darn inconvenient. All being "well", next week will see brighter days and happier times = Forever the faith
I am Complex, Creative + Cosmopolitan: I look for a Venus to compliment my Mars: A female Soul mate who can empathise and share in my Philosophy that the answer to all questions, are rooted with the inner Soul. I find solace in Music and believe in honour, virtue + freedom: My Faith is in: H.I.P.P.I.E. # Help In Producing Peaceful Individual Existence # *Peace + Love.Protest + Protect.Save the Planet*
The Man behind the Mask

However, - As Alice will tell you - What you see is not necessarily - What you get !
About Me

- Billy
- I think of myself as a Hippie, your opinion is noted for sure. I’m not lazy or dirty or weird, + I know not if there is a cure. I live my life as I do wish to, you may not be my number 1 fan. But I have my beliefs and my feelings, allow me them if you so can. Peace Justice + freedom are uppermost, in the mental list I have in my head.I am not for oppression + violence, my opinion, I feel, must be said. Don’t mock as I sit with my flowers, cut out all those jibes at my dress. Don’t treat me with contempt + with fury, it’s the World that is sat in a mess. I know I annoy you with questions, I know that you wish me away. But I’m here to stay + I promise, if you listen then you’ll realise one day. I am not full of hot air + rubbish, there are remedies that can be found. But we must work together, as comrades + work out the ideas that are sound. If you don’t + you shun me forever, don’t take in the things that I say. I’ll sympathise + continue to irritate, + always I'll remain so this way.
My Girls

At their Hotel (?)
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Sunny days ago
A Good Day Sunshine to begin the week as I spend the day in the company of my Granddaughter. An early collection sees a drive out to the local countryside of Styal and Wilmslow. A short wander around the shops precedes the playtime of exuberance for both she and I. Leaving the comfort of the child 'Buggy' behind, it gives the opportunity to enjoy the early day Sun and greenery that Mother Nature provides on foot.
Off to the park we go, and with plenty of play equipment to try out, she is in fine form as she swings, slides, climbs and explores that which is there and keen to try out the abseil and other elements of 'older' usage (still there will be plenty of time for future adventures - of that I'm certain).
We wander down to the banks of the River Bollin; at respectful distance, and we watch as the dogs jump in and out of the wash, other children paddle and ducks paddle by. I explain, as we appreciate the flora around, the simplicity of nature's balance with the ow and ah example - with nettle and dock leaf. Though I mimic the action, I don't go so far as actually grasping the wildflower, now that would be unnecessarily cruel.
We stop for a small picnic of ham, cheese, fruit and Pringle washed down with juice before returning back to my home, where further pastime games are indulged. Far too quickly the time flies and I return her following a full day of fun = Good times
As the week rolls on, I am drawn to the curious going ons at the bottom of my garden. I pluck up the courage to look over to see fowl at play, with the erection of coops and pen for the 6 chickens recently purchased - at least there is no cockerel!
More gardening work to secure and treat the fence is required methinks,for around my house, there is a Fox about.
There is a Yin Yang ending to the week, firstly, the promise of contact meeting with someone is (I suppose unsurprisingly) still unfulfilled - though a posting upon the book of face of myself and eight young ladies brings back such good memories. As I tweet "There are some images kept in the memory which are special, and cannot be taken away from the heart, mind and inner soul" = Good Times.
It is pleasing to see the photo and more than made me smile, though when a friend/lover "likes" my post I can't help but feel a degree of sadness upon former times and reflect on what might have been - ah well maybe in the next life.
A view of the 'Donnie Darko' film, I note the line from Grandma Death "Every creature living on this Earth dies alone" again gets me to thinking, time is something used to the full and not wasted, and maybe pride has been a downfall of past time and the clarion call should indeed be "Tomorrow is, another day" and things are only over and out if they are allowed to be - hmm I suppose age plays a factor in risk taking, though 'age is just a number, outside factors may have influence, though we all have ; not so much 'baggage, but suitcases and back packs we carry along the road we travel. 'Better to try and fail, than not, and regret" and I've always thought I needed a soul-mate to complete my life, finding that special one is, however, sometimes a hope forlorn (Ever the optimist eh?)
Off to the park we go, and with plenty of play equipment to try out, she is in fine form as she swings, slides, climbs and explores that which is there and keen to try out the abseil and other elements of 'older' usage (still there will be plenty of time for future adventures - of that I'm certain).
We wander down to the banks of the River Bollin; at respectful distance, and we watch as the dogs jump in and out of the wash, other children paddle and ducks paddle by. I explain, as we appreciate the flora around, the simplicity of nature's balance with the ow and ah example - with nettle and dock leaf. Though I mimic the action, I don't go so far as actually grasping the wildflower, now that would be unnecessarily cruel.
We stop for a small picnic of ham, cheese, fruit and Pringle washed down with juice before returning back to my home, where further pastime games are indulged. Far too quickly the time flies and I return her following a full day of fun = Good times
As the week rolls on, I am drawn to the curious going ons at the bottom of my garden. I pluck up the courage to look over to see fowl at play, with the erection of coops and pen for the 6 chickens recently purchased - at least there is no cockerel!
More gardening work to secure and treat the fence is required methinks,for around my house, there is a Fox about.
There is a Yin Yang ending to the week, firstly, the promise of contact meeting with someone is (I suppose unsurprisingly) still unfulfilled - though a posting upon the book of face of myself and eight young ladies brings back such good memories. As I tweet "There are some images kept in the memory which are special, and cannot be taken away from the heart, mind and inner soul" = Good Times.
It is pleasing to see the photo and more than made me smile, though when a friend/lover "likes" my post I can't help but feel a degree of sadness upon former times and reflect on what might have been - ah well maybe in the next life.
A view of the 'Donnie Darko' film, I note the line from Grandma Death "Every creature living on this Earth dies alone" again gets me to thinking, time is something used to the full and not wasted, and maybe pride has been a downfall of past time and the clarion call should indeed be "Tomorrow is, another day" and things are only over and out if they are allowed to be - hmm I suppose age plays a factor in risk taking, though 'age is just a number, outside factors may have influence, though we all have ; not so much 'baggage, but suitcases and back packs we carry along the road we travel. 'Better to try and fail, than not, and regret" and I've always thought I needed a soul-mate to complete my life, finding that special one is, however, sometimes a hope forlorn (Ever the optimist eh?)
Friday, 20 April 2012
HIPPIE: Connections or conflict? - REVIEW
Definitley a difference, although there are I feel connections of conviction and issues of environmental attunement. Thoughout my life I have held a conviction of conscience that has seen me stand against the normality of convention. It has seen ridicule and isolation; that is social status - although to be fair, there has been; though begrudging respect for this.
A child in/of the 60s, the Hippie movement was one which I grew up with and indulged in with vigour, for freedom is, perhaps, best experienced as a youthful enthusiastic dreamer of optimism and drive. Having said that "60's children never grow old, for they creative mindset, and believe in the glory of one's individual soul"
As an Arien, whilst this ideaology of steadfast commitment aligned with Protest and Protect; and for those who were there, the (frequent) over reaction to such was meted out with too aggressive response, it was for just causes. It demanded inner mental and indeed spiritual strength and character.
Spiritual embracement; it is said, not something that easily sits with an Arien, though in my darkest hours I have found comfort in the influence/s that are there in the aura. I embraced such and; upon reflection, have always lived my life with the basic principles of respect for nature, belief in the elemental influences and Lore of the past.
The universal possibilities that are as infinite as our imagination will allow - influence back though man-made, natural or even super natural means, are I feel 'Wonders to behold'. we just have to have an open mind to appreciate and end enjoy them.
I guess I muse upon the question, 'is the answer to quell the anger of Arien Hippie-ness, to embrace to spiritual persona of Pagan-ness, for to attain inner contentment'? a balance that sways with the wind of changes within society, along with media and corporate influences
Though one can draw a degree of comparrisons, be they, 'Peace and Love, Save the Planet' and 'Freedom of the individual', even the traditions of Pagaganism have slightly different branches that grow from the trunk of it's tree of life, love on longevity.
The self-discipline for both is such, that I do feel a comparassion that can be drawn, just travelling along the same road, to the beat of a different drum?
A child in/of the 60s, the Hippie movement was one which I grew up with and indulged in with vigour, for freedom is, perhaps, best experienced as a youthful enthusiastic dreamer of optimism and drive. Having said that "60's children never grow old, for they creative mindset, and believe in the glory of one's individual soul"
As an Arien, whilst this ideaology of steadfast commitment aligned with Protest and Protect; and for those who were there, the (frequent) over reaction to such was meted out with too aggressive response, it was for just causes. It demanded inner mental and indeed spiritual strength and character.
Spiritual embracement; it is said, not something that easily sits with an Arien, though in my darkest hours I have found comfort in the influence/s that are there in the aura. I embraced such and; upon reflection, have always lived my life with the basic principles of respect for nature, belief in the elemental influences and Lore of the past.
The universal possibilities that are as infinite as our imagination will allow - influence back though man-made, natural or even super natural means, are I feel 'Wonders to behold'. we just have to have an open mind to appreciate and end enjoy them.
I guess I muse upon the question, 'is the answer to quell the anger of Arien Hippie-ness, to embrace to spiritual persona of Pagan-ness, for to attain inner contentment'? a balance that sways with the wind of changes within society, along with media and corporate influences
Though one can draw a degree of comparrisons, be they, 'Peace and Love, Save the Planet' and 'Freedom of the individual', even the traditions of Pagaganism have slightly different branches that grow from the trunk of it's tree of life, love on longevity.
The self-discipline for both is such, that I do feel a comparassion that can be drawn, just travelling along the same road, to the beat of a different drum?
Monday, 16 April 2012
A four day week
Watching a trio of 'Shrek' films sees me 'laughing out loud' I guess it's the 'Kid' in Billy?
A bright Bank Holiday Monday with one of my girls sees me catch up with the latest news and a case of pleasant company and conversation.
A work colleague; of astute thinking and ambitious learning, makes contact with me for information upon my faith for her college course work. I contemplate upon the most appropriate form of material for the task, for relating to the aspects of the subject matter with appropriate reference in a brief manner is difficult for those who immerse themselves into the credo of lifestyle. I dig out three books and some literature to aid and assist - for I am; it seems, always 'here to help'.
The four day working week goes along at a leisurely pace and with ease quickly slips by - which is nice, and before too long the weekend is here.
Friday was a day/night when I had decided to be a bit social and had arranged to attend a catch up meeting with some ex-colleagues of a time before, though 'as does seem to happen' on these occasions, the event is cancelled. Regardless, I still make the trip to town and after sorting out some other business did make the rendezvous; just to ascertain if there be any other bodies who thought as I? - Unsurprisingly, I find I am alone = lol. Still, If I had not have gone - I would not have known
Saturday liaison arrangements are made to take a short trip to the proposed site for my daughters (and son in-law to be) wedding reception. It is a site in serene setting, with picturesque views. Slightly back from the main track it is both convenient to reach whilst a good distance away from the city crowdings. The venue looks great, the staff courteous, helpful and respectful and the event countdown to the day seems a good deal more real.
The evening is spent with 'Alice' and 'Caroline' though without the usual addition of alcohol - for I need to be switched on, active and responsible for the next days date with my grand girl of energetic and indeed infectious sparkle
A bright Bank Holiday Monday with one of my girls sees me catch up with the latest news and a case of pleasant company and conversation.
A work colleague; of astute thinking and ambitious learning, makes contact with me for information upon my faith for her college course work. I contemplate upon the most appropriate form of material for the task, for relating to the aspects of the subject matter with appropriate reference in a brief manner is difficult for those who immerse themselves into the credo of lifestyle. I dig out three books and some literature to aid and assist - for I am; it seems, always 'here to help'.
The four day working week goes along at a leisurely pace and with ease quickly slips by - which is nice, and before too long the weekend is here.
Friday was a day/night when I had decided to be a bit social and had arranged to attend a catch up meeting with some ex-colleagues of a time before, though 'as does seem to happen' on these occasions, the event is cancelled. Regardless, I still make the trip to town and after sorting out some other business did make the rendezvous; just to ascertain if there be any other bodies who thought as I? - Unsurprisingly, I find I am alone = lol. Still, If I had not have gone - I would not have known
Saturday liaison arrangements are made to take a short trip to the proposed site for my daughters (and son in-law to be) wedding reception. It is a site in serene setting, with picturesque views. Slightly back from the main track it is both convenient to reach whilst a good distance away from the city crowdings. The venue looks great, the staff courteous, helpful and respectful and the event countdown to the day seems a good deal more real.
The evening is spent with 'Alice' and 'Caroline' though without the usual addition of alcohol - for I need to be switched on, active and responsible for the next days date with my grand girl of energetic and indeed infectious sparkle
Friday, 13 April 2012
I am indebted to the website ( for noting with reflective reverence historical; and indeed legendary figures whose courage and passion has seen them ostracised, ridiculed and with fatal intent been hunted down for their beliefs and conviction of conscience.
From this list I make note, and acknowledge the following:-
Sitting Bull: the Native American leader of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux tribe, most noted for his masterminding of the defeat of United States elite 7th Cavalry force at 'Little Big horn', was a spiritual leader who defended his people with principles passed down of simple traditions; including the infamous Ghost dancing. Given to afford assistance to others whose persecution had driven them to despair and near death, this Warrior chief was more a defender and protector than war monger - though in the end a martyr for his beliefs.
Whilst in the U.K. we had Queen Boadicea, a true Warrior Queen, who after suffering atrocity to her own and daughters bodies led her people of Iceni; along with the Trinovantes tribe to initial success against the might of Roman Empire in Britain; cultist of Andrasta the Romano-Celtic goddess of war; a patron goddess of the Iceni tribe she was a powerful leader and true inspiration for others who followed (and to whom the iconic Britannica is modelled upon)
Well that was "WAY back in the day" more up to date fellows of note include:-
Lady Sintana: (Candace Lehrman White: 1937-2010) Wiccan priestess, founder of the Ravenwood Church and Seminary of Wicca in NC,. In addition to being a centre for the study of Wicca, the Church also became known as a refuge for abused girls and battered women.
Merlin Stone: (1931-2011) professor of art history, sculptor, author of the influential book “When God Was a Woman.” The book led to many people to Wicca, Paganism, and other forms of Goddess-respectful worship.
Bronwen Forbes: (1963-2011): Wiccan elder, co-founder of Free Spirit Alliance, author and frequent contributor to Circle Newsletter and Witchvox.
Frank Chimes (Wulfmann): (1955-2011) An Anglo Saxon Heathen and mystic, founding member of ‘A Heathen Thing.” With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge about ancient Heatheny.
Again I note the website of ( for the inspiration to learn more about those witch went before us - education is the pre-cursor of any future development - Thank you for doing so you heroes/heroines - Methinks
From this list I make note, and acknowledge the following:-
Sitting Bull: the Native American leader of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux tribe, most noted for his masterminding of the defeat of United States elite 7th Cavalry force at 'Little Big horn', was a spiritual leader who defended his people with principles passed down of simple traditions; including the infamous Ghost dancing. Given to afford assistance to others whose persecution had driven them to despair and near death, this Warrior chief was more a defender and protector than war monger - though in the end a martyr for his beliefs.
Whilst in the U.K. we had Queen Boadicea, a true Warrior Queen, who after suffering atrocity to her own and daughters bodies led her people of Iceni; along with the Trinovantes tribe to initial success against the might of Roman Empire in Britain; cultist of Andrasta the Romano-Celtic goddess of war; a patron goddess of the Iceni tribe she was a powerful leader and true inspiration for others who followed (and to whom the iconic Britannica is modelled upon)
Well that was "WAY back in the day" more up to date fellows of note include:-
Lady Sintana: (Candace Lehrman White: 1937-2010) Wiccan priestess, founder of the Ravenwood Church and Seminary of Wicca in NC,. In addition to being a centre for the study of Wicca, the Church also became known as a refuge for abused girls and battered women.
Merlin Stone: (1931-2011) professor of art history, sculptor, author of the influential book “When God Was a Woman.” The book led to many people to Wicca, Paganism, and other forms of Goddess-respectful worship.
Bronwen Forbes: (1963-2011): Wiccan elder, co-founder of Free Spirit Alliance, author and frequent contributor to Circle Newsletter and Witchvox.
Frank Chimes (Wulfmann): (1955-2011) An Anglo Saxon Heathen and mystic, founding member of ‘A Heathen Thing.” With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge about ancient Heatheny.
Again I note the website of ( for the inspiration to learn more about those witch went before us - education is the pre-cursor of any future development - Thank you for doing so you heroes/heroines - Methinks
Sunday, 8 April 2012
April Springs
In a week that has seen the full range of seasonal climate, it seems April has certainly Sprung in action. The garden showed signs of activity with the appearance of squirrels, tits and a wandering Reynard. The countryside is; I'm glad to say, is never far away, Wyth in the Shaw.
I return to work and though that was a bit of a disappointing, it was pleasing to be greeted by the smile and genuine welcome from a Blue-eyed Blonde female of usually direct opine.
The atmosphere is generally warm and I wonder if it has to do with the managerial style of those who are absentees and the one who is in, being of fair assessment and respectful stature?
At home I receive the last of my three presentations regarding the benefits of Solar Panel instillation - The principles were set out, the ideology agreeable and the price I guess was worth it - however, not necessarily for me! An investment earlier in my years would certainly have been worthwhile; though a quarter century away, for someone whose bills(for a single occupancy) meant that it was not a good judgement call for to make. Usually I go with the instinct of my heart, though on this occasion, I have to cede that the call of the head that is more prudent :-(
A daughter's call sees me call around with her Mum (for I need some clinical control in my calculations)to discus her wedding plans - the "privilege" of a fathers responsibility is accepted - for which parent does not want the best for their child?
I sign up to be a 'Twit' with a similar curiosity that I had in enrolling onto the Book of Face. I find it follows an offhand comment made by a friend and upon my feelings "at the moment in time". It does afford the opportunity to, and allows access to a couple of sites of visual wonder (i.e. NASA), "Unusual" people (i.e. Yoko Ono Lennon) and other areas of oddity.
So; despite some peoples' perception - I am far from being a Luddite, and am willing to give most things a go ("if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always had")
Latterly, a sister of a good pal of mine made contact with me was a nice surprise. It was a friend from my schooldays, so when I calculated the last time we saw each other was 35 yrs+ ago, the word that came to mind was = Ouch! I guess it happens to us all - it is the way we choose to deal with age that ensures longevity of life ... MeThinks :-)
I return to work and though that was a bit of a disappointing, it was pleasing to be greeted by the smile and genuine welcome from a Blue-eyed Blonde female of usually direct opine.
The atmosphere is generally warm and I wonder if it has to do with the managerial style of those who are absentees and the one who is in, being of fair assessment and respectful stature?
At home I receive the last of my three presentations regarding the benefits of Solar Panel instillation - The principles were set out, the ideology agreeable and the price I guess was worth it - however, not necessarily for me! An investment earlier in my years would certainly have been worthwhile; though a quarter century away, for someone whose bills(for a single occupancy) meant that it was not a good judgement call for to make. Usually I go with the instinct of my heart, though on this occasion, I have to cede that the call of the head that is more prudent :-(
A daughter's call sees me call around with her Mum (for I need some clinical control in my calculations)to discus her wedding plans - the "privilege" of a fathers responsibility is accepted - for which parent does not want the best for their child?
I sign up to be a 'Twit' with a similar curiosity that I had in enrolling onto the Book of Face. I find it follows an offhand comment made by a friend and upon my feelings "at the moment in time". It does afford the opportunity to, and allows access to a couple of sites of visual wonder (i.e. NASA), "Unusual" people (i.e. Yoko Ono Lennon) and other areas of oddity.
So; despite some peoples' perception - I am far from being a Luddite, and am willing to give most things a go ("if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always had")
Latterly, a sister of a good pal of mine made contact with me was a nice surprise. It was a friend from my schooldays, so when I calculated the last time we saw each other was 35 yrs+ ago, the word that came to mind was = Ouch! I guess it happens to us all - it is the way we choose to deal with age that ensures longevity of life ... MeThinks :-)
Friday, 6 April 2012
GHOSTS: (Spirts of ages past?) - REVIEW
Ghosts, the spiritual shadows that flow into and out of our lives - seen by many, though not generally accepted as images of reality. They are a subject of consideration that has been with me throughout my years - I wonder if this is a personal view or that witch others can relate to.
The senses attune to soft voices, visions of day and night dream, the electric touch of objects animate and otherwise, the taste of aromatic reminiscence; that if not experience then a mental connection felt of undefined reason = "Welcome to my world"
Looking outside the box presents an opportunity to consider many alternate explanations, indeed as it is true for many other things.
I believe these spiritual shadows are always with us, though seen with varying degrees of understanding. The majority view being that they are images of yesteryear, those of lost souls, figures that bemoan their position of situ, wailing, haunting and projecting their hurting to others that find themselves in feared state at or within particular locales of fatal past.
Messages of communication however, I feel come in many forms, whilst many see them as messengers of the dark, carrying with them warnings or omens of doom - that belief is for those who take the negative view of convention. I am one who believes that convention is for the masses, and not the pathway road of witch I like or wish to travel.
Comprehending the "existence" of Spiritual 'Ghosts' requires taking a leap of faith, and by doing so will offer
more avenues of theological explanation. For instance:-
- Are they time travellers? Slightly out of sync with the rest of time's moments?
- Are they 'Aliens'? Deliberately, or not, their visage clouded in uncertainty?
- Are they images of our own creation?
- What we wish for, fear, or are resigned to believe is fated to be?
> Perhaps the most spiritual of explanations, is that they are Angels, of White, Black and Grey persona's - there to advise, warn and afford alternative options outside of what is the expected norm?
> The Shadow knights, there to be utilised as/when appropriate?
It could be said they are agents that act upon the deeds of our past, and may well see relevant consequence, though an alternate viewpoint; though equally valid, is that our spirits guide us, offering an appropriate form of aid/assistance, support and direction.
Do we not all; when calling upon and/to invoke ones' spirits of choice, experience a sense of aura in shadow form that are seen only in the R.E.M. of optical observation?
Whatever is ones individual viewpoint and/or understanding it is more important to embrace and question than to be ignorant of their standing and meanings - and done so without fear; either of the subject matter or opine.
So without, great trepidation, I feel the question has to be asked,"Is there anyone there"?
The senses attune to soft voices, visions of day and night dream, the electric touch of objects animate and otherwise, the taste of aromatic reminiscence; that if not experience then a mental connection felt of undefined reason = "Welcome to my world"
Looking outside the box presents an opportunity to consider many alternate explanations, indeed as it is true for many other things.
I believe these spiritual shadows are always with us, though seen with varying degrees of understanding. The majority view being that they are images of yesteryear, those of lost souls, figures that bemoan their position of situ, wailing, haunting and projecting their hurting to others that find themselves in feared state at or within particular locales of fatal past.
Messages of communication however, I feel come in many forms, whilst many see them as messengers of the dark, carrying with them warnings or omens of doom - that belief is for those who take the negative view of convention. I am one who believes that convention is for the masses, and not the pathway road of witch I like or wish to travel.
Comprehending the "existence" of Spiritual 'Ghosts' requires taking a leap of faith, and by doing so will offer
more avenues of theological explanation. For instance:-
- Are they time travellers? Slightly out of sync with the rest of time's moments?
- Are they 'Aliens'? Deliberately, or not, their visage clouded in uncertainty?
- Are they images of our own creation?
- What we wish for, fear, or are resigned to believe is fated to be?
> Perhaps the most spiritual of explanations, is that they are Angels, of White, Black and Grey persona's - there to advise, warn and afford alternative options outside of what is the expected norm?
> The Shadow knights, there to be utilised as/when appropriate?
It could be said they are agents that act upon the deeds of our past, and may well see relevant consequence, though an alternate viewpoint; though equally valid, is that our spirits guide us, offering an appropriate form of aid/assistance, support and direction.
Do we not all; when calling upon and/to invoke ones' spirits of choice, experience a sense of aura in shadow form that are seen only in the R.E.M. of optical observation?
Whatever is ones individual viewpoint and/or understanding it is more important to embrace and question than to be ignorant of their standing and meanings - and done so without fear; either of the subject matter or opine.
So without, great trepidation, I feel the question has to be asked,"Is there anyone there"?
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Work Looms
The second of two weeks leave of absence from work, and following the addition to my family I decide; thanks to a bit of prompting from the neighbours, to to indulge in some physical exercise - the garden awaits. Monday morning starts the week with bright sunshine and warmth - time to tighten those stomach muscles as topless and in shorts the flymo, tree lopper, rake and brushes get some use. Having filled up four Green wheelie bins and one Black non-recyclable bin to the brim the first two days of workout are completed.
The evening of Tuesday saw me in attendance at the Union AGM; where 'suprise, suprise' the position that I was being dissuaded from going for, and for which no ballot papers received had been put on hold due to the volume of workload that was occurring at this moment in time. Me Thinks, reliable in unreliability is becoming my catchphrase. With negative Government policies being as they are, and the Force not looking to be with us - it seems that there are more barriers of adversity to overcome - ah well.
Wednesday saw another Birthday for this Arien soul. I note those who remember, and those who do not feel they can be bothered - (not bitter then = lol)
Ah the marking of age, I guess it's relevant; though not necessarily important in the great scheme of things - Youth's aspiration, ambition and drive for a better future moving towards the experience of elders able; not to dictate, though moreover to advise upon considered muse, a compromise of mindset for us all to be educated.
Anywho, I spend the day productively, with the fence getting a new coat of paint, a sort out of the shed and another Green bin full of rubbish.
Thurs is a day for Grand children with another chance to see newbie Max and the ever enthusiastic Phoebe ensuring a smile and feeling of fun is enjoyed. I have a rest from the garden and do a bit of admin sorting - well the weather is on the turn.
Friday; a day when the weekend traditionally begins, sees a winding down as I embrace, and indeed ensure I make the most of rest days - for they are a time for the me, if I am lucky we, though definitely not the they.
Upon the horizon there is the returning dark clouds of work - ah well, not like that's gonna spoil my day - for today is the day of Sun
The evening of Tuesday saw me in attendance at the Union AGM; where 'suprise, suprise' the position that I was being dissuaded from going for, and for which no ballot papers received had been put on hold due to the volume of workload that was occurring at this moment in time. Me Thinks, reliable in unreliability is becoming my catchphrase. With negative Government policies being as they are, and the Force not looking to be with us - it seems that there are more barriers of adversity to overcome - ah well.
Wednesday saw another Birthday for this Arien soul. I note those who remember, and those who do not feel they can be bothered - (not bitter then = lol)
Ah the marking of age, I guess it's relevant; though not necessarily important in the great scheme of things - Youth's aspiration, ambition and drive for a better future moving towards the experience of elders able; not to dictate, though moreover to advise upon considered muse, a compromise of mindset for us all to be educated.
Anywho, I spend the day productively, with the fence getting a new coat of paint, a sort out of the shed and another Green bin full of rubbish.
Thurs is a day for Grand children with another chance to see newbie Max and the ever enthusiastic Phoebe ensuring a smile and feeling of fun is enjoyed. I have a rest from the garden and do a bit of admin sorting - well the weather is on the turn.
Friday; a day when the weekend traditionally begins, sees a winding down as I embrace, and indeed ensure I make the most of rest days - for they are a time for the me, if I am lucky we, though definitely not the they.
Upon the horizon there is the returning dark clouds of work - ah well, not like that's gonna spoil my day - for today is the day of Sun
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