It is a rainy end start to the weekend, with the most positive thing to say about it, is the fact that, it gives an excuse not, to creosle the fence -although one day soon, then the deed must be done. Monday sees the day of England Patron Saint (George). - though what he would feel at the lack of celebration? Disappointing is, most probably the word
Tuesday sees the stirrings of physical unrest and the symptoms of a slight illness, and though I like to think it is just tiredness, it is the sign of things to come.
Though Wednesday begins quite productively; with my input at the unit meeting being significant and productive in attaining a positive outcome for those whom I represent. Though by the ending on the day, I am beginning to feel the onset of migraine and upon arrival at home, make the the short trip up the wooden stairs, where blanket fair is going to be a play where I rest my head in darkness and silence - well I can but try.
Thursday see a further two Union meetings. With my early night alleviating most of my head pains, it is the sore throat, dodgy cough and general lethargy that I endure. Later in the evening I am joined by the younger of my two girls, who stops over, and even makes me a cup of tea - Gee, I must be looking bad!
Annual leave is suitably appropriate; and indeed welcome, as I take Lennon's and Ono's advice in giving 'Peace a chance' and stayed in bed for the duration. Despite the best of efforts in self-medicating, the ailments of illness win the day and another uncomfortable day - I don't like being ill; the buzzing in the head, the pressure laying on the eyes, a nose both blocked and streaming, the cough and soreness of throat - gosh it's not a feeling good. With sleep periods measured more in minutes rather than hours, its proving hard to shake off and; more to the point, so darn inconvenient. All being "well", next week will see brighter days and happier times = Forever the faith
I am Complex, Creative + Cosmopolitan: I look for a Venus to compliment my Mars: A female Soul mate who can empathise and share in my Philosophy that the answer to all questions, are rooted with the inner Soul. I find solace in Music and believe in honour, virtue + freedom: My Faith is in: H.I.P.P.I.E. # Help In Producing Peaceful Individual Existence # *Peace + Love.Protest + Protect.Save the Planet*
The Man behind the Mask

However, - As Alice will tell you - What you see is not necessarily - What you get !
About Me

- Billy
- I think of myself as a Hippie, your opinion is noted for sure. I’m not lazy or dirty or weird, + I know not if there is a cure. I live my life as I do wish to, you may not be my number 1 fan. But I have my beliefs and my feelings, allow me them if you so can. Peace Justice + freedom are uppermost, in the mental list I have in my head.I am not for oppression + violence, my opinion, I feel, must be said. Don’t mock as I sit with my flowers, cut out all those jibes at my dress. Don’t treat me with contempt + with fury, it’s the World that is sat in a mess. I know I annoy you with questions, I know that you wish me away. But I’m here to stay + I promise, if you listen then you’ll realise one day. I am not full of hot air + rubbish, there are remedies that can be found. But we must work together, as comrades + work out the ideas that are sound. If you don’t + you shun me forever, don’t take in the things that I say. I’ll sympathise + continue to irritate, + always I'll remain so this way.
My Girls

At their Hotel (?)
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Sunny days ago
A Good Day Sunshine to begin the week as I spend the day in the company of my Granddaughter. An early collection sees a drive out to the local countryside of Styal and Wilmslow. A short wander around the shops precedes the playtime of exuberance for both she and I. Leaving the comfort of the child 'Buggy' behind, it gives the opportunity to enjoy the early day Sun and greenery that Mother Nature provides on foot.
Off to the park we go, and with plenty of play equipment to try out, she is in fine form as she swings, slides, climbs and explores that which is there and keen to try out the abseil and other elements of 'older' usage (still there will be plenty of time for future adventures - of that I'm certain).
We wander down to the banks of the River Bollin; at respectful distance, and we watch as the dogs jump in and out of the wash, other children paddle and ducks paddle by. I explain, as we appreciate the flora around, the simplicity of nature's balance with the ow and ah example - with nettle and dock leaf. Though I mimic the action, I don't go so far as actually grasping the wildflower, now that would be unnecessarily cruel.
We stop for a small picnic of ham, cheese, fruit and Pringle washed down with juice before returning back to my home, where further pastime games are indulged. Far too quickly the time flies and I return her following a full day of fun = Good times
As the week rolls on, I am drawn to the curious going ons at the bottom of my garden. I pluck up the courage to look over to see fowl at play, with the erection of coops and pen for the 6 chickens recently purchased - at least there is no cockerel!
More gardening work to secure and treat the fence is required methinks,for around my house, there is a Fox about.
There is a Yin Yang ending to the week, firstly, the promise of contact meeting with someone is (I suppose unsurprisingly) still unfulfilled - though a posting upon the book of face of myself and eight young ladies brings back such good memories. As I tweet "There are some images kept in the memory which are special, and cannot be taken away from the heart, mind and inner soul" = Good Times.
It is pleasing to see the photo and more than made me smile, though when a friend/lover "likes" my post I can't help but feel a degree of sadness upon former times and reflect on what might have been - ah well maybe in the next life.
A view of the 'Donnie Darko' film, I note the line from Grandma Death "Every creature living on this Earth dies alone" again gets me to thinking, time is something used to the full and not wasted, and maybe pride has been a downfall of past time and the clarion call should indeed be "Tomorrow is, another day" and things are only over and out if they are allowed to be - hmm I suppose age plays a factor in risk taking, though 'age is just a number, outside factors may have influence, though we all have ; not so much 'baggage, but suitcases and back packs we carry along the road we travel. 'Better to try and fail, than not, and regret" and I've always thought I needed a soul-mate to complete my life, finding that special one is, however, sometimes a hope forlorn (Ever the optimist eh?)
Off to the park we go, and with plenty of play equipment to try out, she is in fine form as she swings, slides, climbs and explores that which is there and keen to try out the abseil and other elements of 'older' usage (still there will be plenty of time for future adventures - of that I'm certain).
We wander down to the banks of the River Bollin; at respectful distance, and we watch as the dogs jump in and out of the wash, other children paddle and ducks paddle by. I explain, as we appreciate the flora around, the simplicity of nature's balance with the ow and ah example - with nettle and dock leaf. Though I mimic the action, I don't go so far as actually grasping the wildflower, now that would be unnecessarily cruel.
We stop for a small picnic of ham, cheese, fruit and Pringle washed down with juice before returning back to my home, where further pastime games are indulged. Far too quickly the time flies and I return her following a full day of fun = Good times
As the week rolls on, I am drawn to the curious going ons at the bottom of my garden. I pluck up the courage to look over to see fowl at play, with the erection of coops and pen for the 6 chickens recently purchased - at least there is no cockerel!
More gardening work to secure and treat the fence is required methinks,for around my house, there is a Fox about.
There is a Yin Yang ending to the week, firstly, the promise of contact meeting with someone is (I suppose unsurprisingly) still unfulfilled - though a posting upon the book of face of myself and eight young ladies brings back such good memories. As I tweet "There are some images kept in the memory which are special, and cannot be taken away from the heart, mind and inner soul" = Good Times.
It is pleasing to see the photo and more than made me smile, though when a friend/lover "likes" my post I can't help but feel a degree of sadness upon former times and reflect on what might have been - ah well maybe in the next life.
A view of the 'Donnie Darko' film, I note the line from Grandma Death "Every creature living on this Earth dies alone" again gets me to thinking, time is something used to the full and not wasted, and maybe pride has been a downfall of past time and the clarion call should indeed be "Tomorrow is, another day" and things are only over and out if they are allowed to be - hmm I suppose age plays a factor in risk taking, though 'age is just a number, outside factors may have influence, though we all have ; not so much 'baggage, but suitcases and back packs we carry along the road we travel. 'Better to try and fail, than not, and regret" and I've always thought I needed a soul-mate to complete my life, finding that special one is, however, sometimes a hope forlorn (Ever the optimist eh?)
Friday, 20 April 2012
HIPPIE: Connections or conflict? - REVIEW
Definitley a difference, although there are I feel connections of conviction and issues of environmental attunement. Thoughout my life I have held a conviction of conscience that has seen me stand against the normality of convention. It has seen ridicule and isolation; that is social status - although to be fair, there has been; though begrudging respect for this.
A child in/of the 60s, the Hippie movement was one which I grew up with and indulged in with vigour, for freedom is, perhaps, best experienced as a youthful enthusiastic dreamer of optimism and drive. Having said that "60's children never grow old, for they creative mindset, and believe in the glory of one's individual soul"
As an Arien, whilst this ideaology of steadfast commitment aligned with Protest and Protect; and for those who were there, the (frequent) over reaction to such was meted out with too aggressive response, it was for just causes. It demanded inner mental and indeed spiritual strength and character.
Spiritual embracement; it is said, not something that easily sits with an Arien, though in my darkest hours I have found comfort in the influence/s that are there in the aura. I embraced such and; upon reflection, have always lived my life with the basic principles of respect for nature, belief in the elemental influences and Lore of the past.
The universal possibilities that are as infinite as our imagination will allow - influence back though man-made, natural or even super natural means, are I feel 'Wonders to behold'. we just have to have an open mind to appreciate and end enjoy them.
I guess I muse upon the question, 'is the answer to quell the anger of Arien Hippie-ness, to embrace to spiritual persona of Pagan-ness, for to attain inner contentment'? a balance that sways with the wind of changes within society, along with media and corporate influences
Though one can draw a degree of comparrisons, be they, 'Peace and Love, Save the Planet' and 'Freedom of the individual', even the traditions of Pagaganism have slightly different branches that grow from the trunk of it's tree of life, love on longevity.
The self-discipline for both is such, that I do feel a comparassion that can be drawn, just travelling along the same road, to the beat of a different drum?
A child in/of the 60s, the Hippie movement was one which I grew up with and indulged in with vigour, for freedom is, perhaps, best experienced as a youthful enthusiastic dreamer of optimism and drive. Having said that "60's children never grow old, for they creative mindset, and believe in the glory of one's individual soul"
As an Arien, whilst this ideaology of steadfast commitment aligned with Protest and Protect; and for those who were there, the (frequent) over reaction to such was meted out with too aggressive response, it was for just causes. It demanded inner mental and indeed spiritual strength and character.
Spiritual embracement; it is said, not something that easily sits with an Arien, though in my darkest hours I have found comfort in the influence/s that are there in the aura. I embraced such and; upon reflection, have always lived my life with the basic principles of respect for nature, belief in the elemental influences and Lore of the past.
The universal possibilities that are as infinite as our imagination will allow - influence back though man-made, natural or even super natural means, are I feel 'Wonders to behold'. we just have to have an open mind to appreciate and end enjoy them.
I guess I muse upon the question, 'is the answer to quell the anger of Arien Hippie-ness, to embrace to spiritual persona of Pagan-ness, for to attain inner contentment'? a balance that sways with the wind of changes within society, along with media and corporate influences
Though one can draw a degree of comparrisons, be they, 'Peace and Love, Save the Planet' and 'Freedom of the individual', even the traditions of Pagaganism have slightly different branches that grow from the trunk of it's tree of life, love on longevity.
The self-discipline for both is such, that I do feel a comparassion that can be drawn, just travelling along the same road, to the beat of a different drum?
Monday, 16 April 2012
A four day week
Watching a trio of 'Shrek' films sees me 'laughing out loud' I guess it's the 'Kid' in Billy?
A bright Bank Holiday Monday with one of my girls sees me catch up with the latest news and a case of pleasant company and conversation.
A work colleague; of astute thinking and ambitious learning, makes contact with me for information upon my faith for her college course work. I contemplate upon the most appropriate form of material for the task, for relating to the aspects of the subject matter with appropriate reference in a brief manner is difficult for those who immerse themselves into the credo of lifestyle. I dig out three books and some literature to aid and assist - for I am; it seems, always 'here to help'.
The four day working week goes along at a leisurely pace and with ease quickly slips by - which is nice, and before too long the weekend is here.
Friday was a day/night when I had decided to be a bit social and had arranged to attend a catch up meeting with some ex-colleagues of a time before, though 'as does seem to happen' on these occasions, the event is cancelled. Regardless, I still make the trip to town and after sorting out some other business did make the rendezvous; just to ascertain if there be any other bodies who thought as I? - Unsurprisingly, I find I am alone = lol. Still, If I had not have gone - I would not have known
Saturday liaison arrangements are made to take a short trip to the proposed site for my daughters (and son in-law to be) wedding reception. It is a site in serene setting, with picturesque views. Slightly back from the main track it is both convenient to reach whilst a good distance away from the city crowdings. The venue looks great, the staff courteous, helpful and respectful and the event countdown to the day seems a good deal more real.
The evening is spent with 'Alice' and 'Caroline' though without the usual addition of alcohol - for I need to be switched on, active and responsible for the next days date with my grand girl of energetic and indeed infectious sparkle
A bright Bank Holiday Monday with one of my girls sees me catch up with the latest news and a case of pleasant company and conversation.
A work colleague; of astute thinking and ambitious learning, makes contact with me for information upon my faith for her college course work. I contemplate upon the most appropriate form of material for the task, for relating to the aspects of the subject matter with appropriate reference in a brief manner is difficult for those who immerse themselves into the credo of lifestyle. I dig out three books and some literature to aid and assist - for I am; it seems, always 'here to help'.
The four day working week goes along at a leisurely pace and with ease quickly slips by - which is nice, and before too long the weekend is here.
Friday was a day/night when I had decided to be a bit social and had arranged to attend a catch up meeting with some ex-colleagues of a time before, though 'as does seem to happen' on these occasions, the event is cancelled. Regardless, I still make the trip to town and after sorting out some other business did make the rendezvous; just to ascertain if there be any other bodies who thought as I? - Unsurprisingly, I find I am alone = lol. Still, If I had not have gone - I would not have known
Saturday liaison arrangements are made to take a short trip to the proposed site for my daughters (and son in-law to be) wedding reception. It is a site in serene setting, with picturesque views. Slightly back from the main track it is both convenient to reach whilst a good distance away from the city crowdings. The venue looks great, the staff courteous, helpful and respectful and the event countdown to the day seems a good deal more real.
The evening is spent with 'Alice' and 'Caroline' though without the usual addition of alcohol - for I need to be switched on, active and responsible for the next days date with my grand girl of energetic and indeed infectious sparkle
Friday, 13 April 2012
I am indebted to the website ( for noting with reflective reverence historical; and indeed legendary figures whose courage and passion has seen them ostracised, ridiculed and with fatal intent been hunted down for their beliefs and conviction of conscience.
From this list I make note, and acknowledge the following:-
Sitting Bull: the Native American leader of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux tribe, most noted for his masterminding of the defeat of United States elite 7th Cavalry force at 'Little Big horn', was a spiritual leader who defended his people with principles passed down of simple traditions; including the infamous Ghost dancing. Given to afford assistance to others whose persecution had driven them to despair and near death, this Warrior chief was more a defender and protector than war monger - though in the end a martyr for his beliefs.
Whilst in the U.K. we had Queen Boadicea, a true Warrior Queen, who after suffering atrocity to her own and daughters bodies led her people of Iceni; along with the Trinovantes tribe to initial success against the might of Roman Empire in Britain; cultist of Andrasta the Romano-Celtic goddess of war; a patron goddess of the Iceni tribe she was a powerful leader and true inspiration for others who followed (and to whom the iconic Britannica is modelled upon)
Well that was "WAY back in the day" more up to date fellows of note include:-
Lady Sintana: (Candace Lehrman White: 1937-2010) Wiccan priestess, founder of the Ravenwood Church and Seminary of Wicca in NC,. In addition to being a centre for the study of Wicca, the Church also became known as a refuge for abused girls and battered women.
Merlin Stone: (1931-2011) professor of art history, sculptor, author of the influential book “When God Was a Woman.” The book led to many people to Wicca, Paganism, and other forms of Goddess-respectful worship.
Bronwen Forbes: (1963-2011): Wiccan elder, co-founder of Free Spirit Alliance, author and frequent contributor to Circle Newsletter and Witchvox.
Frank Chimes (Wulfmann): (1955-2011) An Anglo Saxon Heathen and mystic, founding member of ‘A Heathen Thing.” With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge about ancient Heatheny.
Again I note the website of ( for the inspiration to learn more about those witch went before us - education is the pre-cursor of any future development - Thank you for doing so you heroes/heroines - Methinks
From this list I make note, and acknowledge the following:-
Sitting Bull: the Native American leader of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux tribe, most noted for his masterminding of the defeat of United States elite 7th Cavalry force at 'Little Big horn', was a spiritual leader who defended his people with principles passed down of simple traditions; including the infamous Ghost dancing. Given to afford assistance to others whose persecution had driven them to despair and near death, this Warrior chief was more a defender and protector than war monger - though in the end a martyr for his beliefs.
Whilst in the U.K. we had Queen Boadicea, a true Warrior Queen, who after suffering atrocity to her own and daughters bodies led her people of Iceni; along with the Trinovantes tribe to initial success against the might of Roman Empire in Britain; cultist of Andrasta the Romano-Celtic goddess of war; a patron goddess of the Iceni tribe she was a powerful leader and true inspiration for others who followed (and to whom the iconic Britannica is modelled upon)
Well that was "WAY back in the day" more up to date fellows of note include:-
Lady Sintana: (Candace Lehrman White: 1937-2010) Wiccan priestess, founder of the Ravenwood Church and Seminary of Wicca in NC,. In addition to being a centre for the study of Wicca, the Church also became known as a refuge for abused girls and battered women.
Merlin Stone: (1931-2011) professor of art history, sculptor, author of the influential book “When God Was a Woman.” The book led to many people to Wicca, Paganism, and other forms of Goddess-respectful worship.
Bronwen Forbes: (1963-2011): Wiccan elder, co-founder of Free Spirit Alliance, author and frequent contributor to Circle Newsletter and Witchvox.
Frank Chimes (Wulfmann): (1955-2011) An Anglo Saxon Heathen and mystic, founding member of ‘A Heathen Thing.” With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge about ancient Heatheny.
Again I note the website of ( for the inspiration to learn more about those witch went before us - education is the pre-cursor of any future development - Thank you for doing so you heroes/heroines - Methinks
Sunday, 8 April 2012
April Springs
In a week that has seen the full range of seasonal climate, it seems April has certainly Sprung in action. The garden showed signs of activity with the appearance of squirrels, tits and a wandering Reynard. The countryside is; I'm glad to say, is never far away, Wyth in the Shaw.
I return to work and though that was a bit of a disappointing, it was pleasing to be greeted by the smile and genuine welcome from a Blue-eyed Blonde female of usually direct opine.
The atmosphere is generally warm and I wonder if it has to do with the managerial style of those who are absentees and the one who is in, being of fair assessment and respectful stature?
At home I receive the last of my three presentations regarding the benefits of Solar Panel instillation - The principles were set out, the ideology agreeable and the price I guess was worth it - however, not necessarily for me! An investment earlier in my years would certainly have been worthwhile; though a quarter century away, for someone whose bills(for a single occupancy) meant that it was not a good judgement call for to make. Usually I go with the instinct of my heart, though on this occasion, I have to cede that the call of the head that is more prudent :-(
A daughter's call sees me call around with her Mum (for I need some clinical control in my calculations)to discus her wedding plans - the "privilege" of a fathers responsibility is accepted - for which parent does not want the best for their child?
I sign up to be a 'Twit' with a similar curiosity that I had in enrolling onto the Book of Face. I find it follows an offhand comment made by a friend and upon my feelings "at the moment in time". It does afford the opportunity to, and allows access to a couple of sites of visual wonder (i.e. NASA), "Unusual" people (i.e. Yoko Ono Lennon) and other areas of oddity.
So; despite some peoples' perception - I am far from being a Luddite, and am willing to give most things a go ("if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always had")
Latterly, a sister of a good pal of mine made contact with me was a nice surprise. It was a friend from my schooldays, so when I calculated the last time we saw each other was 35 yrs+ ago, the word that came to mind was = Ouch! I guess it happens to us all - it is the way we choose to deal with age that ensures longevity of life ... MeThinks :-)
I return to work and though that was a bit of a disappointing, it was pleasing to be greeted by the smile and genuine welcome from a Blue-eyed Blonde female of usually direct opine.
The atmosphere is generally warm and I wonder if it has to do with the managerial style of those who are absentees and the one who is in, being of fair assessment and respectful stature?
At home I receive the last of my three presentations regarding the benefits of Solar Panel instillation - The principles were set out, the ideology agreeable and the price I guess was worth it - however, not necessarily for me! An investment earlier in my years would certainly have been worthwhile; though a quarter century away, for someone whose bills(for a single occupancy) meant that it was not a good judgement call for to make. Usually I go with the instinct of my heart, though on this occasion, I have to cede that the call of the head that is more prudent :-(
A daughter's call sees me call around with her Mum (for I need some clinical control in my calculations)to discus her wedding plans - the "privilege" of a fathers responsibility is accepted - for which parent does not want the best for their child?
I sign up to be a 'Twit' with a similar curiosity that I had in enrolling onto the Book of Face. I find it follows an offhand comment made by a friend and upon my feelings "at the moment in time". It does afford the opportunity to, and allows access to a couple of sites of visual wonder (i.e. NASA), "Unusual" people (i.e. Yoko Ono Lennon) and other areas of oddity.
So; despite some peoples' perception - I am far from being a Luddite, and am willing to give most things a go ("if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always had")
Latterly, a sister of a good pal of mine made contact with me was a nice surprise. It was a friend from my schooldays, so when I calculated the last time we saw each other was 35 yrs+ ago, the word that came to mind was = Ouch! I guess it happens to us all - it is the way we choose to deal with age that ensures longevity of life ... MeThinks :-)
Friday, 6 April 2012
GHOSTS: (Spirts of ages past?) - REVIEW
Ghosts, the spiritual shadows that flow into and out of our lives - seen by many, though not generally accepted as images of reality. They are a subject of consideration that has been with me throughout my years - I wonder if this is a personal view or that witch others can relate to.
The senses attune to soft voices, visions of day and night dream, the electric touch of objects animate and otherwise, the taste of aromatic reminiscence; that if not experience then a mental connection felt of undefined reason = "Welcome to my world"
Looking outside the box presents an opportunity to consider many alternate explanations, indeed as it is true for many other things.
I believe these spiritual shadows are always with us, though seen with varying degrees of understanding. The majority view being that they are images of yesteryear, those of lost souls, figures that bemoan their position of situ, wailing, haunting and projecting their hurting to others that find themselves in feared state at or within particular locales of fatal past.
Messages of communication however, I feel come in many forms, whilst many see them as messengers of the dark, carrying with them warnings or omens of doom - that belief is for those who take the negative view of convention. I am one who believes that convention is for the masses, and not the pathway road of witch I like or wish to travel.
Comprehending the "existence" of Spiritual 'Ghosts' requires taking a leap of faith, and by doing so will offer
more avenues of theological explanation. For instance:-
- Are they time travellers? Slightly out of sync with the rest of time's moments?
- Are they 'Aliens'? Deliberately, or not, their visage clouded in uncertainty?
- Are they images of our own creation?
- What we wish for, fear, or are resigned to believe is fated to be?
> Perhaps the most spiritual of explanations, is that they are Angels, of White, Black and Grey persona's - there to advise, warn and afford alternative options outside of what is the expected norm?
> The Shadow knights, there to be utilised as/when appropriate?
It could be said they are agents that act upon the deeds of our past, and may well see relevant consequence, though an alternate viewpoint; though equally valid, is that our spirits guide us, offering an appropriate form of aid/assistance, support and direction.
Do we not all; when calling upon and/to invoke ones' spirits of choice, experience a sense of aura in shadow form that are seen only in the R.E.M. of optical observation?
Whatever is ones individual viewpoint and/or understanding it is more important to embrace and question than to be ignorant of their standing and meanings - and done so without fear; either of the subject matter or opine.
So without, great trepidation, I feel the question has to be asked,"Is there anyone there"?
The senses attune to soft voices, visions of day and night dream, the electric touch of objects animate and otherwise, the taste of aromatic reminiscence; that if not experience then a mental connection felt of undefined reason = "Welcome to my world"
Looking outside the box presents an opportunity to consider many alternate explanations, indeed as it is true for many other things.
I believe these spiritual shadows are always with us, though seen with varying degrees of understanding. The majority view being that they are images of yesteryear, those of lost souls, figures that bemoan their position of situ, wailing, haunting and projecting their hurting to others that find themselves in feared state at or within particular locales of fatal past.
Messages of communication however, I feel come in many forms, whilst many see them as messengers of the dark, carrying with them warnings or omens of doom - that belief is for those who take the negative view of convention. I am one who believes that convention is for the masses, and not the pathway road of witch I like or wish to travel.
Comprehending the "existence" of Spiritual 'Ghosts' requires taking a leap of faith, and by doing so will offer
more avenues of theological explanation. For instance:-
- Are they time travellers? Slightly out of sync with the rest of time's moments?
- Are they 'Aliens'? Deliberately, or not, their visage clouded in uncertainty?
- Are they images of our own creation?
- What we wish for, fear, or are resigned to believe is fated to be?
> Perhaps the most spiritual of explanations, is that they are Angels, of White, Black and Grey persona's - there to advise, warn and afford alternative options outside of what is the expected norm?
> The Shadow knights, there to be utilised as/when appropriate?
It could be said they are agents that act upon the deeds of our past, and may well see relevant consequence, though an alternate viewpoint; though equally valid, is that our spirits guide us, offering an appropriate form of aid/assistance, support and direction.
Do we not all; when calling upon and/to invoke ones' spirits of choice, experience a sense of aura in shadow form that are seen only in the R.E.M. of optical observation?
Whatever is ones individual viewpoint and/or understanding it is more important to embrace and question than to be ignorant of their standing and meanings - and done so without fear; either of the subject matter or opine.
So without, great trepidation, I feel the question has to be asked,"Is there anyone there"?
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Work Looms
The second of two weeks leave of absence from work, and following the addition to my family I decide; thanks to a bit of prompting from the neighbours, to to indulge in some physical exercise - the garden awaits. Monday morning starts the week with bright sunshine and warmth - time to tighten those stomach muscles as topless and in shorts the flymo, tree lopper, rake and brushes get some use. Having filled up four Green wheelie bins and one Black non-recyclable bin to the brim the first two days of workout are completed.
The evening of Tuesday saw me in attendance at the Union AGM; where 'suprise, suprise' the position that I was being dissuaded from going for, and for which no ballot papers received had been put on hold due to the volume of workload that was occurring at this moment in time. Me Thinks, reliable in unreliability is becoming my catchphrase. With negative Government policies being as they are, and the Force not looking to be with us - it seems that there are more barriers of adversity to overcome - ah well.
Wednesday saw another Birthday for this Arien soul. I note those who remember, and those who do not feel they can be bothered - (not bitter then = lol)
Ah the marking of age, I guess it's relevant; though not necessarily important in the great scheme of things - Youth's aspiration, ambition and drive for a better future moving towards the experience of elders able; not to dictate, though moreover to advise upon considered muse, a compromise of mindset for us all to be educated.
Anywho, I spend the day productively, with the fence getting a new coat of paint, a sort out of the shed and another Green bin full of rubbish.
Thurs is a day for Grand children with another chance to see newbie Max and the ever enthusiastic Phoebe ensuring a smile and feeling of fun is enjoyed. I have a rest from the garden and do a bit of admin sorting - well the weather is on the turn.
Friday; a day when the weekend traditionally begins, sees a winding down as I embrace, and indeed ensure I make the most of rest days - for they are a time for the me, if I am lucky we, though definitely not the they.
Upon the horizon there is the returning dark clouds of work - ah well, not like that's gonna spoil my day - for today is the day of Sun
The evening of Tuesday saw me in attendance at the Union AGM; where 'suprise, suprise' the position that I was being dissuaded from going for, and for which no ballot papers received had been put on hold due to the volume of workload that was occurring at this moment in time. Me Thinks, reliable in unreliability is becoming my catchphrase. With negative Government policies being as they are, and the Force not looking to be with us - it seems that there are more barriers of adversity to overcome - ah well.
Wednesday saw another Birthday for this Arien soul. I note those who remember, and those who do not feel they can be bothered - (not bitter then = lol)
Ah the marking of age, I guess it's relevant; though not necessarily important in the great scheme of things - Youth's aspiration, ambition and drive for a better future moving towards the experience of elders able; not to dictate, though moreover to advise upon considered muse, a compromise of mindset for us all to be educated.
Anywho, I spend the day productively, with the fence getting a new coat of paint, a sort out of the shed and another Green bin full of rubbish.
Thurs is a day for Grand children with another chance to see newbie Max and the ever enthusiastic Phoebe ensuring a smile and feeling of fun is enjoyed. I have a rest from the garden and do a bit of admin sorting - well the weather is on the turn.
Friday; a day when the weekend traditionally begins, sees a winding down as I embrace, and indeed ensure I make the most of rest days - for they are a time for the me, if I am lucky we, though definitely not the they.
Upon the horizon there is the returning dark clouds of work - ah well, not like that's gonna spoil my day - for today is the day of Sun
Friday, 30 March 2012
GLASTONBURY (More than a feeling): - REVIEW
My (first) G is a review of time spent in the serene surroundings of Glastonbury
Having completed a 14,00 word mini-log of 5ive days in the area - which I feel is for 'another day this piece is meant more as a note of muse than comprehensive story/tale of the moments therein.
Upon my recent visits to the village, I have found a feeling a freshness of spirit, one witch is to specific to the individual.
And so I make note, - a personal experience:-
A town square with few streets leading from it. Parades and hidden area of quirkiness of witch there are many. The wares of magical properties, be they medicinal, tools of rune, spell of mystical composition, crystal influence or books of legendary explanation, there is something for all to find and attraction to and that one can attune to. I find that if one can feel without the constraint of society norm, then there are opportunities for the education of lore, unification with those "strangers / friends yet to meet" and an inner contentment that can satisfy and fulfil the needs of the soul.
Though the houses there be in the locale, far outnumber the shops, stores, stalls, attractions, including the cosmopolitan street entertainers, there is; I feel, a degree of quality that provides a sense of awe within those of faith.
The wells of White and Red Springs, the World peace garden of Chalice, the Holy Thorn, the Abbey of pilgrimage, the legend of Arthurian past, of Avalon, the landscape of zodiac landscape, the lands, the fields and countryside and of course, the most prominent feature of all is the Tor. Iconic and timeless, the remnants of St. Micheal's Church stands upon much more ancient and mythical sites, the tower is a grand overseer of ages past, present and future, events that were, are and have yet to be. An ascent that although not easy, is well worth it, for the panoramic views are really awe some. Within the area atop there is a sense of aura that if embraced with openness exudes something that is personal and once experienced is never forgotten.
Each of us have an inner sense of feeling, of witch we hold our own conviction of conscience = and for me, it is, "More than a feeling"
For more, SEE
Having completed a 14,00 word mini-log of 5ive days in the area - which I feel is for 'another day this piece is meant more as a note of muse than comprehensive story/tale of the moments therein.
Upon my recent visits to the village, I have found a feeling a freshness of spirit, one witch is to specific to the individual.
And so I make note, - a personal experience:-
A town square with few streets leading from it. Parades and hidden area of quirkiness of witch there are many. The wares of magical properties, be they medicinal, tools of rune, spell of mystical composition, crystal influence or books of legendary explanation, there is something for all to find and attraction to and that one can attune to. I find that if one can feel without the constraint of society norm, then there are opportunities for the education of lore, unification with those "strangers / friends yet to meet" and an inner contentment that can satisfy and fulfil the needs of the soul.
Though the houses there be in the locale, far outnumber the shops, stores, stalls, attractions, including the cosmopolitan street entertainers, there is; I feel, a degree of quality that provides a sense of awe within those of faith.
The wells of White and Red Springs, the World peace garden of Chalice, the Holy Thorn, the Abbey of pilgrimage, the legend of Arthurian past, of Avalon, the landscape of zodiac landscape, the lands, the fields and countryside and of course, the most prominent feature of all is the Tor. Iconic and timeless, the remnants of St. Micheal's Church stands upon much more ancient and mythical sites, the tower is a grand overseer of ages past, present and future, events that were, are and have yet to be. An ascent that although not easy, is well worth it, for the panoramic views are really awe some. Within the area atop there is a sense of aura that if embraced with openness exudes something that is personal and once experienced is never forgotten.
Each of us have an inner sense of feeling, of witch we hold our own conviction of conscience = and for me, it is, "More than a feeling"
For more, SEE
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Away from work, and Arrival

In a week when I am enjoying leave from work, I get the opportunity to spend more time with my Grand Daughter of 18 months.
We take the 30 mile trip to see my mother following her recent move. Attracting the attention of those she meets as she toddles around always brings a smile to my face. As confidence is seen to rise in her, so too I hope that will be aspiration, drive and ambition. Interaction with others is always a key aspect of communicating messages, inspiration to, for and with others and the advancement of/and educational development - yes I guess I do have high hopes.
Finding a balance of clean/tidying, rest/writing and (dare one say it?) socialising, I find a degree difficult; not so much the physical but the mental attuning of mindset. Spending and not wasting time is something I don't ordinarily like to do, though when one is attempting to gain as much as can be from holiday time, I feel like a certain White Rabbit, 'so much to do, so little time'.
I spend the; almost obligatory, three hour waiting time as I accompany my youngest daughter to her appointment at the hospital - for dental treatment that did not occur - such is the way.
Another two days on Grand Dad duty is always good - though I experience some disheartening news, as first the Bank, then the Building Society advise me that I an unable to open an ISA account for her (as a Grandparent!) (though as a parent one can!!) - it beats me why not, though I will continue to look for investment opportunities for in which to bequeath financial reward to (even if it has to be in a last will and testament)
With my future Son-in-law hitting the milestone of 30th birthday, a sobering thought for those of older age - 1990, what was I up to? - A job where I was enjoying a degree of success, still married, able to participate in athletic sport and experience the feeling of popularity (lol) those were indeed the days. Still, with Phoebe on the case at least the obstacle courses of ever enthusiastic activity, youth springs eternal - at least that's the plan.
A Grand ending to the week as 11:59 Sat sees the arrival of Maximus George, brother to Phoebe, first Grand Son to me - Mum (Dad, big Sister) and Baby are well - which is all one can ask for = Happy days :)
Friday, 23 March 2012
Back in the day of my youth, there was the 60's. A time when Berlin built a wall, Presidents and statesmen were assassinated, when peoples World Wide were facing oppression, discrimination and prejudice - there were pioneers.
Those who with a passion were prepared not only to put their bodies, but their lives, on the line for equality, civil rights along with those of the individual to have free thought. Just as Faith was; and to some is still, a matter of perpetual challenge, so is that of freedom.
One can draw comparison with this; and not to go on (again) over the grounds of Protest and (Peaceful) disorder. Freedom is not just a desire but should be a right, under WW protection. Paganism is only one aspect of when rite is right to defend.
Along with faith, the inner satisfaction that this gives reaches far into the aura, and as such provides a joyous experience that we all should be able to share. In order to fully appreciate this however, it is wise to acknowledge some parameters to be aware of, these being courtesy, respect, tolerance and acceptance of a common good.
Though this 24/7 World spends it's time far too often focusing on the single minded necessity to achieve material achievements, and in doing so, overrides the rights of individuals and ecological beauty and natural balance. Nature is often ignored when it comes to progression in favour of corporate precedence. We all have a responsibility to react to any kind of philosophy that neglects the values that we of this faith hold be be true. Whether it is for environmental, religious or the fundamental right of free speech, whilst there is an inner calling then freedom of expression should be allowed to be voiced, at times championed but never taken for granted.
It seems to me that Paganism is going through a phase of popularity - and long may this continue, although I wonder if this thought should be true. I muse upon this, should this credo be embraced 'as a possible fad? Maybe it is better to be taken up by fewer though more dedicated followers and practioners of the craft? Perhaps that is why I feel the advertising,marketing and promotion of faith. and not religious doctrine of one 'should' be the way forward - there is still reverence in respect and freedom of choice, and it it is that witch should be more the case.
Back in the day the fight was for freedom,sadly though probably inevitably, as with the cycle of wheel, the fight will continue? The crux of the matter is that too often we take our freedom for granted and this right is sometimes (if not often) misinterpretated - not to say manipulated."Vigilance is the price we pay for freedom" (to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson/Andrew Jackson/ Ida Wells and Wendell Phillips)
Freedom is integral to our future -'Lest we forget'
Those who with a passion were prepared not only to put their bodies, but their lives, on the line for equality, civil rights along with those of the individual to have free thought. Just as Faith was; and to some is still, a matter of perpetual challenge, so is that of freedom.
One can draw comparison with this; and not to go on (again) over the grounds of Protest and (Peaceful) disorder. Freedom is not just a desire but should be a right, under WW protection. Paganism is only one aspect of when rite is right to defend.
Along with faith, the inner satisfaction that this gives reaches far into the aura, and as such provides a joyous experience that we all should be able to share. In order to fully appreciate this however, it is wise to acknowledge some parameters to be aware of, these being courtesy, respect, tolerance and acceptance of a common good.
Though this 24/7 World spends it's time far too often focusing on the single minded necessity to achieve material achievements, and in doing so, overrides the rights of individuals and ecological beauty and natural balance. Nature is often ignored when it comes to progression in favour of corporate precedence. We all have a responsibility to react to any kind of philosophy that neglects the values that we of this faith hold be be true. Whether it is for environmental, religious or the fundamental right of free speech, whilst there is an inner calling then freedom of expression should be allowed to be voiced, at times championed but never taken for granted.
It seems to me that Paganism is going through a phase of popularity - and long may this continue, although I wonder if this thought should be true. I muse upon this, should this credo be embraced 'as a possible fad? Maybe it is better to be taken up by fewer though more dedicated followers and practioners of the craft? Perhaps that is why I feel the advertising,marketing and promotion of faith. and not religious doctrine of one 'should' be the way forward - there is still reverence in respect and freedom of choice, and it it is that witch should be more the case.
Back in the day the fight was for freedom,sadly though probably inevitably, as with the cycle of wheel, the fight will continue? The crux of the matter is that too often we take our freedom for granted and this right is sometimes (if not often) misinterpretated - not to say manipulated."Vigilance is the price we pay for freedom" (to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson/Andrew Jackson/ Ida Wells and Wendell Phillips)
Freedom is integral to our future -'Lest we forget'
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
The Equinox Springs = (A short note)
Spring Equinox, the Ostara, and the first signs of Spring is upon us.
A time when the Northern hemisphere sees the dawn of another season, and much like that scenario, this beginning anew affords the chance to review and refresh. In this 24/7 world of today, an opportunity and indeed reminder that we all need to appreciate those moments past and look to aspire for fresh goals.
A time usually akin to initiating enterprises, with rites of beauty and songs, it is a time of rejuvenation of spirit and renewal. With balance a key element in the positioning of ones altar, I select my candles of alternate colours, and crystal of moonstone; for my Luna influence, milk, honey and of course an Egg; traditionally the symbol of birth, though far too early for the chocolate type - or is it? hmm.
One of my eight days of note to respect, and another time to begin fresh adventures - I guess it's a Pagan character trait - Onwards, and obviously, upwards
A time when the Northern hemisphere sees the dawn of another season, and much like that scenario, this beginning anew affords the chance to review and refresh. In this 24/7 world of today, an opportunity and indeed reminder that we all need to appreciate those moments past and look to aspire for fresh goals.
A time usually akin to initiating enterprises, with rites of beauty and songs, it is a time of rejuvenation of spirit and renewal. With balance a key element in the positioning of ones altar, I select my candles of alternate colours, and crystal of moonstone; for my Luna influence, milk, honey and of course an Egg; traditionally the symbol of birth, though far too early for the chocolate type - or is it? hmm.
One of my eight days of note to respect, and another time to begin fresh adventures - I guess it's a Pagan character trait - Onwards, and obviously, upwards
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Countdown and Leave
A week of countdown, and so to begin my (busy) end or year leave of absence.
With Mothering Sunday, the expected arrival of my second Grandchild and another marking of time as ones day of birth is to be noted.
Work ends with two meetings of Union Unison.
The first was a sobering reminder of how much managerial Command have disregard of those which support the delivery of force commitment.- It's all hands to the pump, as 11th hour volunteers are requested to assist in the overloading of information and time restricted requirement for response. I just don't get it. How can this possibly be deemed as acceptable? Meaningful consultation replies on the provision of relevant material with due time for assessment and retort. Either this is a good case for any appeal against these proposals or, mismanagement of organisational forethought.
The second I found more disappointing. My decision; after due deliberation, to go for an officers position of Equality; something I have experience of, was once again questioned - this time by Branch Secretary(!) Another 11th (and a half) hour judgement call - again it is, I feel another example of elitist cliche' - that being the case it is no wonder that volunteers are reluctant to embrace the rallying call.
Friday; the day when the weekend starts, and following minor repairs to my car - a balancing of wheel/tyres, I take myself to a little cafe, "On the corner". A little bistro cross between Indie and Beatnik style, a recollection of another time and pleasure, both then and now.
The weeks end saw a day of enjoyment spent with my Grand, Daughter. The spirit and freshness of youth always gives me a lift, and shows the evidence the continuing cycle of the wheel of which we all ride = Good times
With Mothering Sunday, the expected arrival of my second Grandchild and another marking of time as ones day of birth is to be noted.
Work ends with two meetings of Union Unison.
The first was a sobering reminder of how much managerial Command have disregard of those which support the delivery of force commitment.- It's all hands to the pump, as 11th hour volunteers are requested to assist in the overloading of information and time restricted requirement for response. I just don't get it. How can this possibly be deemed as acceptable? Meaningful consultation replies on the provision of relevant material with due time for assessment and retort. Either this is a good case for any appeal against these proposals or, mismanagement of organisational forethought.
The second I found more disappointing. My decision; after due deliberation, to go for an officers position of Equality; something I have experience of, was once again questioned - this time by Branch Secretary(!) Another 11th (and a half) hour judgement call - again it is, I feel another example of elitist cliche' - that being the case it is no wonder that volunteers are reluctant to embrace the rallying call.
Friday; the day when the weekend starts, and following minor repairs to my car - a balancing of wheel/tyres, I take myself to a little cafe, "On the corner". A little bistro cross between Indie and Beatnik style, a recollection of another time and pleasure, both then and now.
The weeks end saw a day of enjoyment spent with my Grand, Daughter. The spirit and freshness of youth always gives me a lift, and shows the evidence the continuing cycle of the wheel of which we all ride = Good times
Friday, 16 March 2012
Despite the mockery, cynicism and, at times hatred, being true to ones faith is integral to the conviction of conscience that one holds to be true.
The importance of such cannot be underestimated.
I am sure those who have a credo; especially one witch follows that of historical persecution will testify to, though the popularity may wane, the strength of faith to the individual is eternal to the true believer.
Whilst some try to dismiss belief as ignorance, that it is based on a feeling rather than an explanation's practicality and/or evidence, it's longevity through the passing of time, various creeds,races and religions shows it's power.
The British philosopher, logician, historian and social critic Bertrand Russell wrote, "Where there is evidence, no one speaks of 'faith'. We do not speak of faith that two and two are four or that the earth is round. We only speak of faith when we wish to substitute emotion for evidence." - He held the view that religion was a thing of the past and that there should be reasoning to come into the solution of reason.
I see his observation however, not so much, as an exacting of scientific logistical explanation, but moreover, an opportunity to muse upon - for what is a tenet that does not require discussion. Understanding of anything is one thing, but many advancements in many spheres of advancement have prior to achievement I feel, requires 'a leap of faith' "for if we always do what we've always done, we always get what we always had" = Good for a stable foundation on which to build upon, but there is always more within us to create, and that comes from a belief in this philosophy.
Still, after a degree of debate, in times of adversity, when the pressure is on to make a stand, and/or need the assistance of mental support, when all seems to be lost, and one stands alone against a World of corruption and greed, having trust in 'something' - in the absence of 'someone', is that witch helps one though the night.
Without visual proof or theoretical calculation it is "more than a feeling" it comes from within, an eternal ally when hope seems forlorn, its production of impetus and revitalised energy strengthens resolve and heightens confidence.Such is that witch cannot be bottled, whose effect is often yet should never be underestimated - so as George Michael sang "You gotta
Despite the mockery, cynicism and, at times hatred, being true to ones faith is integral to the conviction of conscience that one holds to be true.
The importance of such cannot be underestimated.
I am sure those who have a credo; especially one witch follows that of historical persecution will testify to, though the popularity may wane, the strength of faith to the individual is eternal to the true believer.
Whilst some try to dismiss belief as ignorance, that it is based on a feeling rather than an explanation's practicality and/or evidence, it's longevity through the passing of time, various creeds,races and religions shows it's power.
The British philosopher, logician, historian and social critic Bertrand Russell wrote, "Where there is evidence, no one speaks of 'faith'. We do not speak of faith that two and two are four or that the earth is round. We only speak of faith when we wish to substitute emotion for evidence." - He held the view that religion was a thing of the past and that there should be reasoning to come into the solution of reason.
I see his observation however, not so much, as an exacting of scientific logistical explanation, but moreover, an opportunity to muse upon - for what is a tenet that does not require discussion. Understanding of anything is one thing, but many advancements in many spheres of advancement have prior to achievement I feel, requires 'a leap of faith' "for if we always do what we've always done, we always get what we always had" = Good for a stable foundation on which to build upon, but there is always more within us to create, and that comes from a belief in this philosophy.
Still, after a degree of debate, in times of adversity, when the pressure is on to make a stand, and/or need the assistance of mental support, when all seems to be lost, and one stands alone against a World of corruption and greed, having trust in 'something' - in the absence of 'someone', is that witch helps one though the night.
Without visual proof or theoretical calculation it is "more than a feeling" it comes from within, an eternal ally when hope seems forlorn, its production of impetus and revitalised energy strengthens resolve and heightens confidence.Such is that witch cannot be bottled, whose effect is often yet should never be underestimated - so as George Michael sang "You gotta
Sunday, 11 March 2012
I guess I was right, then
A weekend move for Mum saw the unpacking of many items of nostalgic memory. Though one can with the best of intention try to assist in the sorting out out items, when they have such a personal connection to another the task is all the more testing. These mementos are more than mere items and objects. They hold a sensitive meaning to the individual, and as such require a choice of the owner and not the helper I feel.
One thing I have found with the sifting and sorting of the many items there be, is as a parents child, I have a similarity of mindset, and also have amassed far too much 'bits and bobs' and duplicated items of 'just in case'. A lesson for to downsizing for to be learnt for sure. The only way I can deal is the Black bag method - (sort and sling) - clinical cleansing I guess, still, at least mum has got a good deal of her essentials sorted out, the crossing the T's and dotting the I's of unpacking can come in time.
Time to return my Wicca book; whilst one can never learn all, a little is never wasted and the bits I have picked up has enabled me to attain the degree of interest for future educational development, an opportunity, not to be missed.
Well, well, last weeks minor paranoia seems to have had a degree of accuracy about. Leaving it to the 11th hour to hand in my nomination form, it was only a matter of hours before I received contact advising me that although they had promised to let me know details and update of the position, because of meetings and having to 'go out' they had failed to inform me that another person had put themselves forward for the role - so did I want to withdraw it? I (of course) replied, having done background research, communication with work fellows and the preparation of written election address I wished not, to take it back. The question, "So you want me to run a ballot then"? was met with a firm "Yes"! Even though I have an idea that someone has been 'earmarked' for the position, I really don't like the idea of covert planning.
How disappointing to know that even within a counsel of unison, there seems to be a cliche elite.
I guess I am indeed Olde Bill Ken obi - though that in itself is not a bad thing to be.
Conviction of conscience has, is and will be the only thing I can rely upon
One thing I have found with the sifting and sorting of the many items there be, is as a parents child, I have a similarity of mindset, and also have amassed far too much 'bits and bobs' and duplicated items of 'just in case'. A lesson for to downsizing for to be learnt for sure. The only way I can deal is the Black bag method - (sort and sling) - clinical cleansing I guess, still, at least mum has got a good deal of her essentials sorted out, the crossing the T's and dotting the I's of unpacking can come in time.
Time to return my Wicca book; whilst one can never learn all, a little is never wasted and the bits I have picked up has enabled me to attain the degree of interest for future educational development, an opportunity, not to be missed.
Well, well, last weeks minor paranoia seems to have had a degree of accuracy about. Leaving it to the 11th hour to hand in my nomination form, it was only a matter of hours before I received contact advising me that although they had promised to let me know details and update of the position, because of meetings and having to 'go out' they had failed to inform me that another person had put themselves forward for the role - so did I want to withdraw it? I (of course) replied, having done background research, communication with work fellows and the preparation of written election address I wished not, to take it back. The question, "So you want me to run a ballot then"? was met with a firm "Yes"! Even though I have an idea that someone has been 'earmarked' for the position, I really don't like the idea of covert planning.
How disappointing to know that even within a counsel of unison, there seems to be a cliche elite.
I guess I am indeed Olde Bill Ken obi - though that in itself is not a bad thing to be.
Conviction of conscience has, is and will be the only thing I can rely upon
Friday, 9 March 2012
Evolution = an everturning cycle Evolution = the solution
In life, in order for us to evolve we need to develop both as individuals and as a society.
Far too often however, there seems a reluctance to do so. Many people get stuck in their ways, content to be comfortable in the status they find themselves in.
For me however, I am a great believer in the expansion of the self initially, before moving the mindset of the masses, "for each journey begins with the first small step" and ones ego of persona attuned to such a goal is the basis of longevity to the cause. "The greatest love of all'? Well at least a beginning of understanding I feel.
I believe that change is integral if not essential for us all to aspire to achieve - 'as we drive along our pathways of life, to travel
"Round, like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel.
Never ending or beginning,
On an ever spinning wheel"
'In the Windmills of your Mind'
(courtesy of Alan Bergman/Marilyn Bergman/Michel Legrand)
To this end one must, I feel, be mindful of the usefulness of both past times and future opportunities In order for us to move onwards and upwards.
Ye Olde ways have such purity which still ring true today, and change for change sake can be counter productive.
It would be unwise not to take note of former times, either that which we have personal experience of, or that which our forebears have to teach us. Learning from our our elders can not be discounted out of hand, for age alone is not a reason to ignore, for the quality of wisdom is timeless.
Likewise, it is i feel important to embrace a credo of encouragement for fresh and creative ideas in order for us to advance and dare I say it? We all have a responsibility to do so in order for us to do so .
We must I feel, continue to aspire for improvement both in ecological respect and intellectual understanding.
As individuals we can all play our part in the the embracement of this philosophy by the masses in unison
Enlightenment can come to us whether though our own experience or through others, the lessons learnt can be down to a sense of pride. whether upon going through the process ourselves, or seeing it from other perspective.
In the end however, upon due consideration and respectful appreciation, the way has to be forward, and with passionate intent always to strive for better times, days and adventures anew.
Maybe not an obvious choice of Paganism connection, though the way I see it, the principles of what was, is to be and what was originally, albeit in a different dimensional plane is a philosophy like the wheel of the year that eternally turns - as do windmills
In life, in order for us to evolve we need to develop both as individuals and as a society.
Far too often however, there seems a reluctance to do so. Many people get stuck in their ways, content to be comfortable in the status they find themselves in.
For me however, I am a great believer in the expansion of the self initially, before moving the mindset of the masses, "for each journey begins with the first small step" and ones ego of persona attuned to such a goal is the basis of longevity to the cause. "The greatest love of all'? Well at least a beginning of understanding I feel.
I believe that change is integral if not essential for us all to aspire to achieve - 'as we drive along our pathways of life, to travel
"Round, like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel.
Never ending or beginning,
On an ever spinning wheel"
'In the Windmills of your Mind'
(courtesy of Alan Bergman/Marilyn Bergman/Michel Legrand)
To this end one must, I feel, be mindful of the usefulness of both past times and future opportunities In order for us to move onwards and upwards.
Ye Olde ways have such purity which still ring true today, and change for change sake can be counter productive.
It would be unwise not to take note of former times, either that which we have personal experience of, or that which our forebears have to teach us. Learning from our our elders can not be discounted out of hand, for age alone is not a reason to ignore, for the quality of wisdom is timeless.
Likewise, it is i feel important to embrace a credo of encouragement for fresh and creative ideas in order for us to advance and dare I say it? We all have a responsibility to do so in order for us to do so .
We must I feel, continue to aspire for improvement both in ecological respect and intellectual understanding.
As individuals we can all play our part in the the embracement of this philosophy by the masses in unison
Enlightenment can come to us whether though our own experience or through others, the lessons learnt can be down to a sense of pride. whether upon going through the process ourselves, or seeing it from other perspective.
In the end however, upon due consideration and respectful appreciation, the way has to be forward, and with passionate intent always to strive for better times, days and adventures anew.
Maybe not an obvious choice of Paganism connection, though the way I see it, the principles of what was, is to be and what was originally, albeit in a different dimensional plane is a philosophy like the wheel of the year that eternally turns - as do windmills
Sunday, 4 March 2012
A Manchester Monkee Passes on
This week saw Saint David remembered for those of Welsh descent, ancestry and locale. As ‘Mum’s side comes from a Davies surname I suppose I can claim part heritage; especially as Granddad was a miner from the valleys. So as one whose roots come from the land of Llewellyn, I do feel an affinity and calling. Maybe it’s the ‘Tom Jones’ in me? Perhaps the retreat where Romans feared to go aligns itself to my Pagan roots? More likely it is being drawn to something more inner? Witch ever that be it is nice to feel “there will be a welcome in the hillside” should I feel the need to chose to venture.
Just as Saint David was rising, on the extra day of the year that occurs per four years, I heard of poignant news coming from over the pond. On a day witch I feel could be noted as a time when something significant could/should be done to mark it special – I was brought somewhat down to Earth.
I learnt of the passing on and over of Davy Jones = the Monkee from Manchester. More of an entertainer than a musician perhaps, nevertheless, in an era of freshness, he epitomised the youthful exuberance of the day.
From a background of acting on stage and in the new fangled media of television, a figure easily recognised probably because of this. It was when he moved to the U.S. to take up the role of baby facedlead as a Monkee, where he exhibited a fun, loving, innocence though not naïve persona of charm that his popularity really rose. He enthused in this and other roles that he took on and - all this from a kid from my home town – it’s nice to see a local lad done good.
I recall seeing them in concert at the MEN Arena. With all four original members in attendance, it was a thoroughly good night of humour, enjoyment and it has to be said, good songs and music with a TV backdrop of the day and of appropriate relevance, audience participation was in full swing.
Once more I feel the age of my day as another of my days is no longer with us, sad, although I guess, when (or if?) I get there, a party of swinging fun will greet my arrival – one can hope to dream. Anywho, I post my respect upon the book of face, with firstly a “Daydream Believer”; for isn’t that what all youth of the day were and (hopefully still) are? Before; what I feel is a more apt tribute of “Shades of Grey”
Also, I muse upon volunteering for a position of Union representation - a lead in Equalities. In an attempt to ‘fightfor the cause’, I wonder if it is better to be within a structured body that are bound to adherence to structured procedures – or to continue to be the wild card of unpredictability – what would, Obi wan Kenobi do I wonder?
Just as Saint David was rising, on the extra day of the year that occurs per four years, I heard of poignant news coming from over the pond. On a day witch I feel could be noted as a time when something significant could/should be done to mark it special – I was brought somewhat down to Earth.
I learnt of the passing on and over of Davy Jones = the Monkee from Manchester. More of an entertainer than a musician perhaps, nevertheless, in an era of freshness, he epitomised the youthful exuberance of the day.
From a background of acting on stage and in the new fangled media of television, a figure easily recognised probably because of this. It was when he moved to the U.S. to take up the role of baby facedlead as a Monkee, where he exhibited a fun, loving, innocence though not naïve persona of charm that his popularity really rose. He enthused in this and other roles that he took on and - all this from a kid from my home town – it’s nice to see a local lad done good.
I recall seeing them in concert at the MEN Arena. With all four original members in attendance, it was a thoroughly good night of humour, enjoyment and it has to be said, good songs and music with a TV backdrop of the day and of appropriate relevance, audience participation was in full swing.
Once more I feel the age of my day as another of my days is no longer with us, sad, although I guess, when (or if?) I get there, a party of swinging fun will greet my arrival – one can hope to dream. Anywho, I post my respect upon the book of face, with firstly a “Daydream Believer”; for isn’t that what all youth of the day were and (hopefully still) are? Before; what I feel is a more apt tribute of “Shades of Grey”
Also, I muse upon volunteering for a position of Union representation - a lead in Equalities. In an attempt to ‘fightfor the cause’, I wonder if it is better to be within a structured body that are bound to adherence to structured procedures – or to continue to be the wild card of unpredictability – what would, Obi wan Kenobi do I wonder?
Friday, 2 March 2012
E is Elemental.
For that which that we live our lives around; and indeed how the World operates within, I muse and try to briefly identify the aspects and influences of the five key items. Analysis is generally, though not always an exact science, I think is worth due consideration and self-reflection. Upon doing so, it may be that we can recognise the attributes of both ourselves and others - hmm
EARTH: Zodiacal Signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn – Colours of favour, GREEN and BROWN.
It is a feminine element of fertility and stability.
A Northern component - Strong, methodical, patient with qualities of endurance, usually it is the rock that provides solid foundations of which great structures stand. Constructive and practical, an ally of support that is integral to the success of any project, reminding others that with any advances it is prudent to keep one’s feet, on the ground.
Tarot’s influence is Pentacles and the best period of effectiveness = YULE
AIR: Zodiacal Signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius – Colours of favour, YELLOW and WHITE – An element of the Soul and freshness of life.
An Eastern component - With spiritual connection, an owner of wisdom and focus, one is intellectual, full of ideas and opinions. Known to provide inspiration to the lifestyle choices we make along our journey of adventure. Putting things into perspective before acting upon them, although has the capacity to think ‘outside the box’ and look for new solutions to issues of concern or indeed opportunity.
Tarot’s influence is Swords and the best period of effectiveness = OSTRA
FIRE: Zodiacal Signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius – Colours of favour, RED and ORANGE.
It is a masculine element of energy and action. Can be determined though stubborn, often charges in where Angels - think better of doing so.
A Southern component – forthright with conflicting powers, healing and creativity battle with inner turmoil against harm and destruction.
Having qualities of charismatic leadership gives impetus and drive to the plans and practices we both enjoy and endure.
Tarot’s influence is Wands and the best period of effectiveness = LITHA
WATER: Zodiacal Signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces – Colour of favour, BLUE – Another feminine element of purity and intuitive blessings
A Western component – of passionate emotion, nurtures with protective intent and delivery. Adds care and consideration to the people and tasks they involve themselves in. Possess the qualities attuned with healing and in the use of consecration of those needing the support of faith in the mental and physical state of mind and body.
Tarot’s influence is Cups and the best period of effectiveness = MABON
And then there’s the 5th
SPIRIT: The hub of the wheel interacts with varying degrees to ensure a balance of natural unity.
As one imagines, it flows with and around in an eternal circle – It is awe and wonderful.One might say it is that witch all things revolve around and without witch life could not, and should not be there to embrace.
For that which that we live our lives around; and indeed how the World operates within, I muse and try to briefly identify the aspects and influences of the five key items. Analysis is generally, though not always an exact science, I think is worth due consideration and self-reflection. Upon doing so, it may be that we can recognise the attributes of both ourselves and others - hmm
EARTH: Zodiacal Signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn – Colours of favour, GREEN and BROWN.
It is a feminine element of fertility and stability.
A Northern component - Strong, methodical, patient with qualities of endurance, usually it is the rock that provides solid foundations of which great structures stand. Constructive and practical, an ally of support that is integral to the success of any project, reminding others that with any advances it is prudent to keep one’s feet, on the ground.
Tarot’s influence is Pentacles and the best period of effectiveness = YULE
AIR: Zodiacal Signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius – Colours of favour, YELLOW and WHITE – An element of the Soul and freshness of life.
An Eastern component - With spiritual connection, an owner of wisdom and focus, one is intellectual, full of ideas and opinions. Known to provide inspiration to the lifestyle choices we make along our journey of adventure. Putting things into perspective before acting upon them, although has the capacity to think ‘outside the box’ and look for new solutions to issues of concern or indeed opportunity.
Tarot’s influence is Swords and the best period of effectiveness = OSTRA
FIRE: Zodiacal Signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius – Colours of favour, RED and ORANGE.
It is a masculine element of energy and action. Can be determined though stubborn, often charges in where Angels - think better of doing so.
A Southern component – forthright with conflicting powers, healing and creativity battle with inner turmoil against harm and destruction.
Having qualities of charismatic leadership gives impetus and drive to the plans and practices we both enjoy and endure.
Tarot’s influence is Wands and the best period of effectiveness = LITHA
WATER: Zodiacal Signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces – Colour of favour, BLUE – Another feminine element of purity and intuitive blessings
A Western component – of passionate emotion, nurtures with protective intent and delivery. Adds care and consideration to the people and tasks they involve themselves in. Possess the qualities attuned with healing and in the use of consecration of those needing the support of faith in the mental and physical state of mind and body.
Tarot’s influence is Cups and the best period of effectiveness = MABON
And then there’s the 5th
SPIRIT: The hub of the wheel interacts with varying degrees to ensure a balance of natural unity.
As one imagines, it flows with and around in an eternal circle – It is awe and wonderful.One might say it is that witch all things revolve around and without witch life could not, and should not be there to embrace.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Friends and more? - Well, we shall see.
The start of the week sees a positive communication with an arrangement for a Friday date to catch up on what has been an eventful period for her. Despite an open invitation to drop in, and promises to come around, I decide to move the mountain to Mohammed and invite myself to hers - for which she agrees - result? - well, we shall see.
A visit to the bank to arrange/sort finances always seems to leave one leave with less than more, ah well - it's only money!After preparing for my midweek Union meeting on auto-pilot, the next day's sessions sees a degree of minor dis-agreement with the officers - as always it seems Rebel, though with a cause. With the prospect of a position becoming available, I muse upon the development of myself - fighting for fairness has/is/will ever be my goal - so I think upon; even though my silent instinct tingles for the shadows behind the scenes - I thought we are friends in Unison, not subject to Orwell's Animal Farm viewpoint - well, we shall see.
I pop to see daughter and Grand daughter for an update on their being - though not 100% the little one still has the arty bug in her and I am adorned with stickers aplenty upon my shirt - fashion tips from an eighteen month angel - well, one has to get on and get down 'with the kids' - well, we shall see
And so Friday arrives and with thirty minutes to go; whilst doing a quick FB check - I receive a chat from my 'friend'. I send "I hope you have something nice for my tea" that met with the reply "Oh didn't you get my text? - I have to cancel"! A reason was given and a story told though as I have learnt to expect "Such reliability in her unreliability" - or as I put it "In the words of the BeaTles - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"! - we did see
In the early hours of Saturday sees visions of serene delight, of mermaids with Golden hair and alluring atraction, brightening my expectation of the near and far future, for there is always hope = One of my better dreams.
Later on in the day, I rendezvous with another friend, she of sweet nature and sensitive need. We enjoy a meal of Inn fayre, a chat of many facets and then a wandering around a local maket of countrylife goods and produce. With a choice of cake, meat, fish, cheese,fruit and vegalong with trinkets and clothes all of reasonable price - oh, and then there was the Owl of regal plumage. This time we spent was most enjoyable and rounded off the week on a high. With more liaison planned, maybe this beginnings has more tales for (well maybe not) to tell, well, we shall indeed see
A visit to the bank to arrange/sort finances always seems to leave one leave with less than more, ah well - it's only money!After preparing for my midweek Union meeting on auto-pilot, the next day's sessions sees a degree of minor dis-agreement with the officers - as always it seems Rebel, though with a cause. With the prospect of a position becoming available, I muse upon the development of myself - fighting for fairness has/is/will ever be my goal - so I think upon; even though my silent instinct tingles for the shadows behind the scenes - I thought we are friends in Unison, not subject to Orwell's Animal Farm viewpoint - well, we shall see.
I pop to see daughter and Grand daughter for an update on their being - though not 100% the little one still has the arty bug in her and I am adorned with stickers aplenty upon my shirt - fashion tips from an eighteen month angel - well, one has to get on and get down 'with the kids' - well, we shall see
And so Friday arrives and with thirty minutes to go; whilst doing a quick FB check - I receive a chat from my 'friend'. I send "I hope you have something nice for my tea" that met with the reply "Oh didn't you get my text? - I have to cancel"! A reason was given and a story told though as I have learnt to expect "Such reliability in her unreliability" - or as I put it "In the words of the BeaTles - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"! - we did see
In the early hours of Saturday sees visions of serene delight, of mermaids with Golden hair and alluring atraction, brightening my expectation of the near and far future, for there is always hope = One of my better dreams.
Later on in the day, I rendezvous with another friend, she of sweet nature and sensitive need. We enjoy a meal of Inn fayre, a chat of many facets and then a wandering around a local maket of countrylife goods and produce. With a choice of cake, meat, fish, cheese,fruit and vegalong with trinkets and clothes all of reasonable price - oh, and then there was the Owl of regal plumage. This time we spent was most enjoyable and rounded off the week on a high. With more liaison planned, maybe this beginnings has more tales for (well maybe not) to tell, well, we shall indeed see
Friday, 24 February 2012
DEATH – is only the beginning: - REVIEW:
D can be a pleasant Death.
Despite the general perception of finality that the subject has, the positivity in witch the Pagan view death has a much better feel about it.
As far back as I can remember I have held the opinion that reincarnation has merit, the sense of shadow followers, the aspect of déjà vu and instinctive knowledge of things; particularly at a young age, of a curious and sometimes eerie experiences that I could not comprehend led me to believe that there was so much more to and outside of life. The cycle of life, death, and rebirth is I feel eternal - though maybe "not as we know it"
The body wastes in time and even when in the best of health we have to accept its loss. And so we may take respite in Summerland, before the aura and soul moves on, for it has too high a quality to disappear into obscurity
Death is a gateway through which we must all pass. Without it there could be no process of change; no death, no birth, and rebirth. Though the term ‘ghosts’, has an imagery of ‘spookiness’, the presence of spirits however, is much more different and; I feel has an alternative explanation.
Passing on, may be to a timescale particular to the individual which is why the respite and travel between plans vary, though ultimately we all move on.
Evolution comes from experience change and development. Our instinctive reasoning and has to come from somewhere and spirituality is as good an explanation as any.
For those who embrace the reality of 'shadow followers' there is the comfort of knowing one is never truly alone - though I guess some might call that schizophrenia(?)
The departure of loved ones is an obvious sad time. Their physical presence is missed, though Samhain gives the opportunity for us to remember those who have pass over and into that witch is beyond our comprehension and can help in and with the grieving process.
The remembrance of those dear their influence, assistance and even inspiration is a reverence I feel worthy, and gives the opportunity to recognise what we should have said and done – “too late the cry” when the ceremony of reverence is completed, the acknowledgement shows that they are not forgotten, and the process allows the parting of the waves with an ebb of serenity, methinks.
The Death card in Tarot; so often misrepresented as doom and destruction, gives an example of how the ending of one thing affords the opening of another. The discarding of that which weighs us down to give a refreshment of rejuvenation, and though it points to a lifestyle change I see how one can equate this with the transformation of the spirit, and the way it provides solace. For me, Death is not to feared, not a dread or a full stop, it is a comma (and I might say inconvenience) however, I have faith in the future that whatever that may be, it will be something.
Despite the general perception of finality that the subject has, the positivity in witch the Pagan view death has a much better feel about it.
As far back as I can remember I have held the opinion that reincarnation has merit, the sense of shadow followers, the aspect of déjà vu and instinctive knowledge of things; particularly at a young age, of a curious and sometimes eerie experiences that I could not comprehend led me to believe that there was so much more to and outside of life. The cycle of life, death, and rebirth is I feel eternal - though maybe "not as we know it"
The body wastes in time and even when in the best of health we have to accept its loss. And so we may take respite in Summerland, before the aura and soul moves on, for it has too high a quality to disappear into obscurity
Death is a gateway through which we must all pass. Without it there could be no process of change; no death, no birth, and rebirth. Though the term ‘ghosts’, has an imagery of ‘spookiness’, the presence of spirits however, is much more different and; I feel has an alternative explanation.
Passing on, may be to a timescale particular to the individual which is why the respite and travel between plans vary, though ultimately we all move on.
Evolution comes from experience change and development. Our instinctive reasoning and has to come from somewhere and spirituality is as good an explanation as any.
For those who embrace the reality of 'shadow followers' there is the comfort of knowing one is never truly alone - though I guess some might call that schizophrenia(?)
The departure of loved ones is an obvious sad time. Their physical presence is missed, though Samhain gives the opportunity for us to remember those who have pass over and into that witch is beyond our comprehension and can help in and with the grieving process.
The remembrance of those dear their influence, assistance and even inspiration is a reverence I feel worthy, and gives the opportunity to recognise what we should have said and done – “too late the cry” when the ceremony of reverence is completed, the acknowledgement shows that they are not forgotten, and the process allows the parting of the waves with an ebb of serenity, methinks.
The Death card in Tarot; so often misrepresented as doom and destruction, gives an example of how the ending of one thing affords the opening of another. The discarding of that which weighs us down to give a refreshment of rejuvenation, and though it points to a lifestyle change I see how one can equate this with the transformation of the spirit, and the way it provides solace. For me, Death is not to feared, not a dread or a full stop, it is a comma (and I might say inconvenience) however, I have faith in the future that whatever that may be, it will be something.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Val's week
Following Sunday's day of Mystical experience in the company of another of somewhat similar mind set, I feel refreshed and to some degree reinvigorated as to the value of my own worth.
Far too quickly, Monday, Monday comes all too soon - gosh the danger of wishing ones days away is all too evident.
Once more I muse, embrace and absorb the moments for time slips by so quickly - that is, if we let it. Meeting up with a fellow footballer of my youth, soon to celebrate his half century of passing, such reminders are stark - living for the day so prominent.
With the passing of Tuesday, and its hearts and flowers, romantic liaison and passionate emotion, for those left without a gift of message or meaningful present, it can seem a sad and lonely time. I feel however, that disappointment only comes with over expectancy. Commercialism not seems but really has taken over what was a simple acknowledgement of care and love. One day; that is already pre-noted, comes with a degree of acceptance and I feel defeats the object of heart warming surprise. Although it may be nice to acknowledge the day with token appreciation, it is moreover better to provide loving gift of personal choice, out of the blue, for no other reason than to show one cares - meThinks.
They say a soul mate can be hard to find, and the passing of time makes it harder, there is always hope with faith and time to embrace; though sometimes fleeting is something to grab onto. For even a brief liaison can touch the clouds of euphoria with lasting memory, and one should never be frightened to Love. Sometimes that witch we hope to find is only a day's realisation away.
The day was also one of particular note for me, as the engagement of my daughter and boyfriend is announced - 18 month of notification, ah the joy of parenthood.
Later in the week I drop off my vehicle for its' annual MOT and service check up. On the day I again meet up with my friend of feminine charm and disposition. We enjoy a day of nourishment of body; and hopefully heart and soul as the hours pass quite quickly, though quality, I like to think is equally as important as quantity (in this case - time).We stroll to a cafe' and partake of a nice brekkie, before visiting to a venue of my previous enjoyment. Imbolc eve had seen me take an opportunity; chance if you like, on a whim and have cheery reward proving the point it is better to try, for you never can tell. The ambiance is relaxing and the company cosmopolitan, I am at ease, hopefully the experience was shared, further dates of appointment are noted when the pleasure will again be enjoyed.
Other news is of, Arrival! - After a wait of weeks, I collect my Wicca and Witchcraft book from the library. Whist informative in content can only be a point of reference. Creativity comes from inspiration, and one gets such from the conviction and beliefs of others, for we are all students who can learn and in time pass on lessons learnt to and for others - such is the circle eternal.
Far too quickly, Monday, Monday comes all too soon - gosh the danger of wishing ones days away is all too evident.
Once more I muse, embrace and absorb the moments for time slips by so quickly - that is, if we let it. Meeting up with a fellow footballer of my youth, soon to celebrate his half century of passing, such reminders are stark - living for the day so prominent.
With the passing of Tuesday, and its hearts and flowers, romantic liaison and passionate emotion, for those left without a gift of message or meaningful present, it can seem a sad and lonely time. I feel however, that disappointment only comes with over expectancy. Commercialism not seems but really has taken over what was a simple acknowledgement of care and love. One day; that is already pre-noted, comes with a degree of acceptance and I feel defeats the object of heart warming surprise. Although it may be nice to acknowledge the day with token appreciation, it is moreover better to provide loving gift of personal choice, out of the blue, for no other reason than to show one cares - meThinks.
They say a soul mate can be hard to find, and the passing of time makes it harder, there is always hope with faith and time to embrace; though sometimes fleeting is something to grab onto. For even a brief liaison can touch the clouds of euphoria with lasting memory, and one should never be frightened to Love. Sometimes that witch we hope to find is only a day's realisation away.
The day was also one of particular note for me, as the engagement of my daughter and boyfriend is announced - 18 month of notification, ah the joy of parenthood.
Later in the week I drop off my vehicle for its' annual MOT and service check up. On the day I again meet up with my friend of feminine charm and disposition. We enjoy a day of nourishment of body; and hopefully heart and soul as the hours pass quite quickly, though quality, I like to think is equally as important as quantity (in this case - time).We stroll to a cafe' and partake of a nice brekkie, before visiting to a venue of my previous enjoyment. Imbolc eve had seen me take an opportunity; chance if you like, on a whim and have cheery reward proving the point it is better to try, for you never can tell. The ambiance is relaxing and the company cosmopolitan, I am at ease, hopefully the experience was shared, further dates of appointment are noted when the pleasure will again be enjoyed.
Other news is of, Arrival! - After a wait of weeks, I collect my Wicca and Witchcraft book from the library. Whist informative in content can only be a point of reference. Creativity comes from inspiration, and one gets such from the conviction and beliefs of others, for we are all students who can learn and in time pass on lessons learnt to and for others - such is the circle eternal.
Friday, 17 February 2012
D is my Dreamcatcher.
Though I have wind chimes that add a simple symphony of melody to my empty home, pride of place goes to my Dreamcatcher of original Native American design and origin.As the musical chimes deflect and ward off negative energy, my Dreamcatcher, holds the imaginative creativity of my spiritual subconscious; which I embrace with grateful indulgence, whilst preventing the dark nightmares to slip through. Receivers of sacred spiritual messages, I have seen them in bright colours and intricate design, though mine is simple, delicate and inspires me.
One legend states the good dreams slide through the feather to those in slumber, providing peace and comfort, whilst those bad are trapped in the web perishing in the light of dawn.
Originating from the Lakota / Sioux tribe, there is record of relics going back over 1500 years. The traditions of Sioux construction sees the tying of sinew strands in a web around a small round or tear-shaped frame of willow, with the addition of feather, bead and items of particular memento, an Owl feather for wisdom, an Eagle feather for courage and gems; like crystals of special properties being of special significance.
Although there is a slightly alternate view: -
When the world was young, an old Lakota spiritual leader had a vision. Iktomi, the great trickster and teacher of wisdom, appeared in the form of a spider. Speaking in a sacred language only known to the spiritual leaders of Lakota, he took the elder's willow hoop of feathers, horse hair, beads and offerings began to spin a web. He spoke of the cycle of life, how we begin as infants, move from childhood to adulthood, and finally to old age where we must be taken care of as infants, thus completing the cycle. He continued "in each time of life there are many forces, some good and some bad.
Listening to the good will steer you wisely, and be warned, the bad will hurt and damage you"
"There are many forces and different directions that help or interfere with the harmony of nature"The spider wove from the outside and worked towards the centre. He gave the Lakota elder the web saying "the web is a perfect circle but there is a hole in the centre of the circle." "Use it to help yourself and your people to reach your goals, make good use of your people's ideas, dreams and visions. If you believe in the Great Spirit, the web will catch your good ideas and the bad ones will go through the hole."
The Lakota elder passed on his vision to the Sioux, who use the dream catcher as the web of life to sift their dreams and visions.
The belief that the dream catcher holds the destiny of their future continues.I particularly like tale of how stories of life and legend are passed on through the generations; from parent to child, grandparent to grandchild – and that practice is certainly on the agenda for me
(Legend/tale = Courtesy of
Though I have wind chimes that add a simple symphony of melody to my empty home, pride of place goes to my Dreamcatcher of original Native American design and origin.As the musical chimes deflect and ward off negative energy, my Dreamcatcher, holds the imaginative creativity of my spiritual subconscious; which I embrace with grateful indulgence, whilst preventing the dark nightmares to slip through. Receivers of sacred spiritual messages, I have seen them in bright colours and intricate design, though mine is simple, delicate and inspires me.
One legend states the good dreams slide through the feather to those in slumber, providing peace and comfort, whilst those bad are trapped in the web perishing in the light of dawn.
Originating from the Lakota / Sioux tribe, there is record of relics going back over 1500 years. The traditions of Sioux construction sees the tying of sinew strands in a web around a small round or tear-shaped frame of willow, with the addition of feather, bead and items of particular memento, an Owl feather for wisdom, an Eagle feather for courage and gems; like crystals of special properties being of special significance.
Although there is a slightly alternate view: -
When the world was young, an old Lakota spiritual leader had a vision. Iktomi, the great trickster and teacher of wisdom, appeared in the form of a spider. Speaking in a sacred language only known to the spiritual leaders of Lakota, he took the elder's willow hoop of feathers, horse hair, beads and offerings began to spin a web. He spoke of the cycle of life, how we begin as infants, move from childhood to adulthood, and finally to old age where we must be taken care of as infants, thus completing the cycle. He continued "in each time of life there are many forces, some good and some bad.
Listening to the good will steer you wisely, and be warned, the bad will hurt and damage you"
"There are many forces and different directions that help or interfere with the harmony of nature"The spider wove from the outside and worked towards the centre. He gave the Lakota elder the web saying "the web is a perfect circle but there is a hole in the centre of the circle." "Use it to help yourself and your people to reach your goals, make good use of your people's ideas, dreams and visions. If you believe in the Great Spirit, the web will catch your good ideas and the bad ones will go through the hole."
The Lakota elder passed on his vision to the Sioux, who use the dream catcher as the web of life to sift their dreams and visions.
The belief that the dream catcher holds the destiny of their future continues.I particularly like tale of how stories of life and legend are passed on through the generations; from parent to child, grandparent to grandchild – and that practice is certainly on the agenda for me
(Legend/tale = Courtesy of
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Cold Start - Mystical end
Days of winter weather, cold snaps and slow starts; though I suppose it gets the heart moving when one runs around like a lunatic, in an effort to keep warm, February is still brisk and bracing, so I guess we’ll all have to bear with it.
This week saw the departure of a colleague of sparky personality, and popularity, a beano of departing farewell was being arranged, although invitation to specific attendance was lacking – I get the hint. I was however grateful to the genuine enquiry and concern of her friend, she of more acquired though worthwhile investment. Though it would have been nice to feel included in the group, I wouldn’t have been able to attend, but as the saying goes “it’s the thought that counts” I guess it balances itself out = waves that is.
Saturday sees a trip to Crewe and a sorting out of items to keep, sling and give away. It is far harder when the material required for release is that not of one’s own, and with ‘a lifetime collection’ to sort out nostalgia so personal to her makes it a sensitive matter, that really only she can deal with; indeed it would be heartless to be clinical. Nevertheless, with my sister to assist, we make good progress and downsize to a certain level – even though there is much a fair bit to go (there goes another of my sighs - bless)
Although the forthcoming Tuesday, will no doubt see plenty of hearts and flowers making their annual appearance, the lack of a partner of emotionally physical connection sees a degree of sighing and disappointment - still, such unity does not rely on the time of the year and who is to say that witch lies around the corner. I have at least got a trip to the Mind, Body and Spirit festival in the near locale that will allow me to embrace the aura of mystical and magical ambience – and therein lies hope.
Sunday arrives and I make the trip in the company of a lady recently re-united in familiarity and we embrace the event will openness and receptiveness. Regression, tools for life, Meeting Spirit guides, How to love properly and the Laws of attraction –“all about love” being sessions of particular interest.
Having attending the five workshops and several stalls we purchased a few items of note. My friend took advantage of one of the advisory sessions whilst I was looking to arrange a break of April retreat. Whilst my enquiry was positive, hers was more sobering, for the answers to certain questions brought back responses of stark and sobering significance. As I told her however, enlightenment is always helpful to the armoury in the battles we face at this moment and in the times ahead – something I firmly believe in – time I guess, will tell.With a further liaison planned for next week; whilst ‘the car gets sorted’! Maybe there will be cheerier news and tales to tell – we shall see
This week saw the departure of a colleague of sparky personality, and popularity, a beano of departing farewell was being arranged, although invitation to specific attendance was lacking – I get the hint. I was however grateful to the genuine enquiry and concern of her friend, she of more acquired though worthwhile investment. Though it would have been nice to feel included in the group, I wouldn’t have been able to attend, but as the saying goes “it’s the thought that counts” I guess it balances itself out = waves that is.
Saturday sees a trip to Crewe and a sorting out of items to keep, sling and give away. It is far harder when the material required for release is that not of one’s own, and with ‘a lifetime collection’ to sort out nostalgia so personal to her makes it a sensitive matter, that really only she can deal with; indeed it would be heartless to be clinical. Nevertheless, with my sister to assist, we make good progress and downsize to a certain level – even though there is much a fair bit to go (there goes another of my sighs - bless)
Although the forthcoming Tuesday, will no doubt see plenty of hearts and flowers making their annual appearance, the lack of a partner of emotionally physical connection sees a degree of sighing and disappointment - still, such unity does not rely on the time of the year and who is to say that witch lies around the corner. I have at least got a trip to the Mind, Body and Spirit festival in the near locale that will allow me to embrace the aura of mystical and magical ambience – and therein lies hope.
Sunday arrives and I make the trip in the company of a lady recently re-united in familiarity and we embrace the event will openness and receptiveness. Regression, tools for life, Meeting Spirit guides, How to love properly and the Laws of attraction –“all about love” being sessions of particular interest.
Having attending the five workshops and several stalls we purchased a few items of note. My friend took advantage of one of the advisory sessions whilst I was looking to arrange a break of April retreat. Whilst my enquiry was positive, hers was more sobering, for the answers to certain questions brought back responses of stark and sobering significance. As I told her however, enlightenment is always helpful to the armoury in the battles we face at this moment and in the times ahead – something I firmly believe in – time I guess, will tell.With a further liaison planned for next week; whilst ‘the car gets sorted’! Maybe there will be cheerier news and tales to tell – we shall see
Friday, 10 February 2012
CREDO – Challenges: - REVIEW:
C sees Credo challenges.
Choosing a pathway to follow with a driven tenet is what each of us do with a strength of inner belief, personal to the individual. Freedom of choice allows each of us to embrace with a passion a doctrine that gives support, comfort and inspiration to, and who am ‘one’ to question ‘another’ on how to feel? That witch we chose to partner us on this life’s journey; that we enjoy, and at times endure, is a credo that cannot be told to do but accepted voluntarily.
The route I made; and I’m sure so have others, sees a combination of challenges that we have to face. The perceptions when each date of significance arrives are met with the view of, me naked, naked girls around an open fire, animal sacrifices, dark rituals and others similar, of being out of step with the modern world – though that one I champion, for being out of step with the modern though in step with the ‘natural’ world is I feel far more important.
Stigmas come from envy and jealously, media and other propaganda, though more to the point, a lack of education.
I was raised in the 60s of loving parents who allowed me express and participate in the wind of change that was in the air and to stand by my beliefs.
Although not a great scholar, I feel akin with the credo of Paganism, long before I realised it. So though I confess not as educated as perhaps I feel I should be. I not so much follow in unison with others, but join upon a trail of direction travelling to a different beat and tempo of a drum’s calling.
The youthful spirit of the Hippie was not all Love and Peace, it was Protest and Protect – and these challenges faced violent opposition.
The faith that I follow meets less aggression though similar prejudice, in that becomes it goes against the (view of society) norm then it is to be criticised, ridiculed and to some the subject of bullying, from school teasing, ostracised in teenage years to compulsion of requirement to and for family need as one gets older. When the head and the heart collide, there are bound to be consequences – and in some cases casualties – Conviction of conscience costs!
Within the workplace there is a required expectation for compliance that can contradict the mindset of sincerity.
It has cost me recognition, promotion opportunities and an underestimation of capability; though that is at times an asset – hmm.
I guess that I am not alone in this and at least feel an affinity with othersAnywho, as previously stated, being out of step is something that most of us have to deal with on an everyday basis, still as the saying goes “being out of step is not being out of control, and moreover it means that you see, hear, feel and experience that witch others miss out on” – I guess that’s the upside of being a champion of challenges.
Choosing a pathway to follow with a driven tenet is what each of us do with a strength of inner belief, personal to the individual. Freedom of choice allows each of us to embrace with a passion a doctrine that gives support, comfort and inspiration to, and who am ‘one’ to question ‘another’ on how to feel? That witch we chose to partner us on this life’s journey; that we enjoy, and at times endure, is a credo that cannot be told to do but accepted voluntarily.
The route I made; and I’m sure so have others, sees a combination of challenges that we have to face. The perceptions when each date of significance arrives are met with the view of, me naked, naked girls around an open fire, animal sacrifices, dark rituals and others similar, of being out of step with the modern world – though that one I champion, for being out of step with the modern though in step with the ‘natural’ world is I feel far more important.
Stigmas come from envy and jealously, media and other propaganda, though more to the point, a lack of education.
I was raised in the 60s of loving parents who allowed me express and participate in the wind of change that was in the air and to stand by my beliefs.
Although not a great scholar, I feel akin with the credo of Paganism, long before I realised it. So though I confess not as educated as perhaps I feel I should be. I not so much follow in unison with others, but join upon a trail of direction travelling to a different beat and tempo of a drum’s calling.
The youthful spirit of the Hippie was not all Love and Peace, it was Protest and Protect – and these challenges faced violent opposition.
The faith that I follow meets less aggression though similar prejudice, in that becomes it goes against the (view of society) norm then it is to be criticised, ridiculed and to some the subject of bullying, from school teasing, ostracised in teenage years to compulsion of requirement to and for family need as one gets older. When the head and the heart collide, there are bound to be consequences – and in some cases casualties – Conviction of conscience costs!
Within the workplace there is a required expectation for compliance that can contradict the mindset of sincerity.
It has cost me recognition, promotion opportunities and an underestimation of capability; though that is at times an asset – hmm.
I guess that I am not alone in this and at least feel an affinity with othersAnywho, as previously stated, being out of step is something that most of us have to deal with on an everyday basis, still as the saying goes “being out of step is not being out of control, and moreover it means that you see, hear, feel and experience that witch others miss out on” – I guess that’s the upside of being a champion of challenges.
Sunday, 5 February 2012
And then there was Imbolc
This week saw the Pagan festival of Imbolc; the celebration of St. Brigid. It marks the dawning and awaking of 'Spring' to the World. Lying halfway between the two Equinoxes, traditions vary one depicting girls and young, unmarried, women of the household or village creating corn dollies, dress with ribbons and baubles that are laid in a bed. Visited by the young men of locale, who: after asking permission to enter receive and treat the dollies with due and appropriate respect. Another sees Brigid walks the earth on Imbolc eve, passing on her gift and sacred blessing to those members of the household who leave items for to bless - and there are more.
Once again, it is a time of reflection, refreshment and rejuvenation – which once more I indulge within.
On the eve and day of the event, I chose to spend an evening at a venue locale. I saw it late and made the instinctive decision to go. I don’t do social events often – there never seems to be the opportunity – or is that excuse (?)
As with most things in my life, the subconscious and ‘off the wall’ decisions can often be those which provide the most favourable results.
T’was an evening of poetry, prose, sing, playing and other entertainment that took me back to the days of Beatnik, Hippie, Indie and raw truth. Welcoming, openness, honesty in an non-threatening and/or intimidating environment = “A splendid time for all”
Onto the next day when I met up again with a lady; of whom I had not seen for a few years, and an instant connection (or should that be re-connection?) saw a brief conversation and re-acquaintance last for a 6 hour period. Buoyed on with events of the night before, I feel comfortable to engage on a personal and what I hope was felt intimate connection of MBS.
With further dates planned, I wonder upon the future and how things can turn on the flick of a breeze. I guess time will tell.
Saturday saw a trip to Crewe to see some new accommodation that Mum was considering. I brave some dodgy weather though arrive, collect and travel to the complex. Once inside there are questions to be asked and feelings to be felt before a commitment is made. After due consideration, the practical issues are none that cannot be overcome and upon due muse the decision is that Mum is on the move. Naturally it will be a somewhat difficult time for her; as this lifestyle change will be the first without Dad at her side – though there will be plenty of support on hand. Time to rally the troops; make a date for an operation and in 4 weeks – “Tally Ho”!
The return home sees my way back a battling with worse weather conditions, and after negotiating 2 road traffic accidents and a 40 minute duration taking almost 2 hours. I apprise a worried Mum of my arrival and settle down for the night – Phew!
Once again, it is a time of reflection, refreshment and rejuvenation – which once more I indulge within.
On the eve and day of the event, I chose to spend an evening at a venue locale. I saw it late and made the instinctive decision to go. I don’t do social events often – there never seems to be the opportunity – or is that excuse (?)
As with most things in my life, the subconscious and ‘off the wall’ decisions can often be those which provide the most favourable results.
T’was an evening of poetry, prose, sing, playing and other entertainment that took me back to the days of Beatnik, Hippie, Indie and raw truth. Welcoming, openness, honesty in an non-threatening and/or intimidating environment = “A splendid time for all”
Onto the next day when I met up again with a lady; of whom I had not seen for a few years, and an instant connection (or should that be re-connection?) saw a brief conversation and re-acquaintance last for a 6 hour period. Buoyed on with events of the night before, I feel comfortable to engage on a personal and what I hope was felt intimate connection of MBS.
With further dates planned, I wonder upon the future and how things can turn on the flick of a breeze. I guess time will tell.
Saturday saw a trip to Crewe to see some new accommodation that Mum was considering. I brave some dodgy weather though arrive, collect and travel to the complex. Once inside there are questions to be asked and feelings to be felt before a commitment is made. After due consideration, the practical issues are none that cannot be overcome and upon due muse the decision is that Mum is on the move. Naturally it will be a somewhat difficult time for her; as this lifestyle change will be the first without Dad at her side – though there will be plenty of support on hand. Time to rally the troops; make a date for an operation and in 4 weeks – “Tally Ho”!
The return home sees my way back a battling with worse weather conditions, and after negotiating 2 road traffic accidents and a 40 minute duration taking almost 2 hours. I apprise a worried Mum of my arrival and settle down for the night – Phew!
Friday, 3 February 2012
With the event of Imbolc this week, I chose C for Celebrations.
These dates pre-cede the modern day calendar, and are more aligned to seasonal change than commercial purpose, and is that witch I can equate with more acceptance – for it is more about should be enjoyment than expectancy; something that has I feel been lost – it is the message as well as the method.
Found on the Wheel of the Year, the dates these events of note flow with nature, and have more of an affinity with Mother Earth and her cycle of balance. With fixed and fluid dates that move with the solar influence, each of the festivals has their own special significance, though rather than demean their importance, in concisely terms: -
A brief view to note
IMBOLC - Stable date = 2nd February
The celebration of a returning of light, the Sun begins to radiate with warmer glow, and a fresh start / beginning to the year. My time of New Year, when resolutions begin and I gather my thoughts in preparation for March springs.
OSTRA - Shifting date = (March 20th – 23rd)
The time of Spring Equinox – An awakening and rejuvenation, when things begin to awake, bloom and the gears engage and into action I begin to make and initiative with purpose deeds anew. A period when the budding fertility can excite and delight
BELTANE - Stable date = 1st May
Known as a time of maypoles and merriment, it is a beginning of a period of celebration for sacred unions to receive blessings of divinity. The bloom of floral display exhibits a delightful gift to share with one’s partner of choice or indeed deity.
LITHA - Shifting date = (June 23rd – June 23rd)
The celebration of Summer solstice – it is the longest day and shortest night. We work hard in preparation for days ahead, spending a full day of toil to endure but upon completion, it is one of gratifying satisfaction.
LUGHNASDH (LAMMAS) - Stable date = 31st/July-31st August
Celebrating the first harvest, we reap the benefit of what was sown and enjoy the fruit of berry and grain of bread for the first time.
MABON - Shifting date = (Septemberer21st – 23rd)
The Autumn Equinox – it is the second harvest festival and a time when the tasks we have set ourselves are coming to a conclusion.
SAMHAIN - Stable date = 31st October
The last harvest of the year – a time of sensitive shadow, the closet time for the world of living and dead to almost; and indeed sometimes touch - the renowned “Halloween” when respectful remembrance is given to those who have passed over.
YULE -Shifting date = (Dec 20th -23rd)
Celebration of Winter Solstice – The shortest day of the year (and longest night). The Earth lays in slumber and when we dwell in winter weather. It is a time when the surplus storage of energy and material are put to good use.
And so, to all of olde faith = Blessed be
These dates pre-cede the modern day calendar, and are more aligned to seasonal change than commercial purpose, and is that witch I can equate with more acceptance – for it is more about should be enjoyment than expectancy; something that has I feel been lost – it is the message as well as the method.
Found on the Wheel of the Year, the dates these events of note flow with nature, and have more of an affinity with Mother Earth and her cycle of balance. With fixed and fluid dates that move with the solar influence, each of the festivals has their own special significance, though rather than demean their importance, in concisely terms: -
A brief view to note
IMBOLC - Stable date = 2nd February
The celebration of a returning of light, the Sun begins to radiate with warmer glow, and a fresh start / beginning to the year. My time of New Year, when resolutions begin and I gather my thoughts in preparation for March springs.
OSTRA - Shifting date = (March 20th – 23rd)
The time of Spring Equinox – An awakening and rejuvenation, when things begin to awake, bloom and the gears engage and into action I begin to make and initiative with purpose deeds anew. A period when the budding fertility can excite and delight
BELTANE - Stable date = 1st May
Known as a time of maypoles and merriment, it is a beginning of a period of celebration for sacred unions to receive blessings of divinity. The bloom of floral display exhibits a delightful gift to share with one’s partner of choice or indeed deity.
LITHA - Shifting date = (June 23rd – June 23rd)
The celebration of Summer solstice – it is the longest day and shortest night. We work hard in preparation for days ahead, spending a full day of toil to endure but upon completion, it is one of gratifying satisfaction.
LUGHNASDH (LAMMAS) - Stable date = 31st/July-31st August
Celebrating the first harvest, we reap the benefit of what was sown and enjoy the fruit of berry and grain of bread for the first time.
MABON - Shifting date = (Septemberer21st – 23rd)
The Autumn Equinox – it is the second harvest festival and a time when the tasks we have set ourselves are coming to a conclusion.
SAMHAIN - Stable date = 31st October
The last harvest of the year – a time of sensitive shadow, the closet time for the world of living and dead to almost; and indeed sometimes touch - the renowned “Halloween” when respectful remembrance is given to those who have passed over.
YULE -Shifting date = (Dec 20th -23rd)
Celebration of Winter Solstice – The shortest day of the year (and longest night). The Earth lays in slumber and when we dwell in winter weather. It is a time when the surplus storage of energy and material are put to good use.
And so, to all of olde faith = Blessed be
Friday, 27 January 2012

B is Black magic: associated with the supernatural, has a commonplace definition of evil use, selfish purpose, linked with Satanism and those who practice the 'dark art' are of ill-character and dubious conscience. Negativity surrounds their motives and when performed, done so for vengeance purpose.
The darkness is indeed strong, not to be underestimated and though it can be corrupted, it does not automatically follow that Black magic should be stricken from the library shelf - knowledge is indeed power.
Maybe it is the rituals that some deem perverse that is the problem? That Witch is not understandable is always open to criticism.
Hex, curses and most magic spells are always going to carry with them a degree of stigma – for those who are ignorant of its usage.
The fact that blood, tissue and other items of decaying material are used, does not automatically mean, that there is a sin behind its purpose.
Necromancy is defined “not as general black magic, but as any magic having to do with death itself”. If one looks at medical resuscitation, i.e. CPR, could one really look at this as Black magic? It could be described by some as raising the dead
The dark side of Paganism can encompass many facets of belief - its draw is quite cosmopolitan, leading to numerous interpretations of what it means to be a dark Pagan. One has to be open to many avenues. For, "Enlightenment doesn't occur from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the Self into the conscious personality." ~ Carl Jung (See Wikipedia)
I feel there is a 3 way balance on all beliefs, the light, the dark and the shadow of Grey in between.
We have all heard of Yin Yang, its symbolic depiction of White and Black, Positive and Negative, Good and Evil, shows such unison of balance.
Mythology talks of darkness and chaos being the primeval force from which life sprang forth from.
We cannot claim by any means to be absorbed in the total brilliance of light, though we have come a long way – hence the shadow period. Whether we have to travel to another plain for such enlightenment, its true is conjecture.
The use and practice of Black Magic requires great self-discipline, and no magic should be taken lightly, especially that witch could cause harm.
The karmic concept of cause and effect is a serious consideration, with the practitioner accepting full responsibility for their actions, though it would be naive to suggest that there aren't those who take this approach to extremes.
Shadow self is a part of us all, holds our deepest anxieties though can; if we are not careful, taint our persona either consciously or subconsciously. I have an affinity for the dark and shadow. It brings a sense of comfort to my soul, I feel it is an integral part of Ye olde religion and faith. I believe it should be respected and not be clouded by a general media perception
The darkness is indeed strong, not to be underestimated and though it can be corrupted, it does not automatically follow that Black magic should be stricken from the library shelf - knowledge is indeed power.
Maybe it is the rituals that some deem perverse that is the problem? That Witch is not understandable is always open to criticism.
Hex, curses and most magic spells are always going to carry with them a degree of stigma – for those who are ignorant of its usage.
The fact that blood, tissue and other items of decaying material are used, does not automatically mean, that there is a sin behind its purpose.
Necromancy is defined “not as general black magic, but as any magic having to do with death itself”. If one looks at medical resuscitation, i.e. CPR, could one really look at this as Black magic? It could be described by some as raising the dead
The dark side of Paganism can encompass many facets of belief - its draw is quite cosmopolitan, leading to numerous interpretations of what it means to be a dark Pagan. One has to be open to many avenues. For, "Enlightenment doesn't occur from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the Self into the conscious personality." ~ Carl Jung (See Wikipedia)
I feel there is a 3 way balance on all beliefs, the light, the dark and the shadow of Grey in between.
We have all heard of Yin Yang, its symbolic depiction of White and Black, Positive and Negative, Good and Evil, shows such unison of balance.
Mythology talks of darkness and chaos being the primeval force from which life sprang forth from.
We cannot claim by any means to be absorbed in the total brilliance of light, though we have come a long way – hence the shadow period. Whether we have to travel to another plain for such enlightenment, its true is conjecture.
The use and practice of Black Magic requires great self-discipline, and no magic should be taken lightly, especially that witch could cause harm.
The karmic concept of cause and effect is a serious consideration, with the practitioner accepting full responsibility for their actions, though it would be naive to suggest that there aren't those who take this approach to extremes.
Shadow self is a part of us all, holds our deepest anxieties though can; if we are not careful, taint our persona either consciously or subconsciously. I have an affinity for the dark and shadow. It brings a sense of comfort to my soul, I feel it is an integral part of Ye olde religion and faith. I believe it should be respected and not be clouded by a general media perception
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Review and Pre-view
Well, not long to go now, and with no letting up in the Government strategy of public sector cuts, and a willingness of a force to comply without a steadfast defence; seemingly to prefer a “wait until the wheel falls off” approach, I wonder what tomorrows presentation will yield. Although it seems that any further reduction in the provision of service will see worrying consequences, the focus on streamlining and risk assessment will, have repercussions, of that I have no doubt. Still, one must keep positive focus, I guess.
I make a few trips to the library, though find disappointment as the book I ordered of Wiccan theme has not yet come in – though maybe it’s popularity being the reason – hmm.
This week marked the US holiday of MLK; a man of conviction, courage and inspiration. I have his speech posted up on my living room wall as a reminder that the 60s were not all spectrum colours and peace and Love, but built on a solid Black and White foundation of status that needed to be challenged and overcome before the pleasures could be embraced and enjoyed – something that many forget. I remember as a (very) young child being so impressed with his aura, a champion of just cause and a man destined to be a noted figure in history –the memory continues.
I had a visitor on Wednesday, a rather attractive young lady who with cheery smile and tender words attempted me to commit to a Direct Debit to assist an animal charity; though the cause worthy, financial restraint is with us all, it was only after reflection that although her convictions seemed to be true, there is always the taste of scam in the air and maybe my subconscious instinct served me well. Too suspicious, maybe but then again
I chat with another young lady. A friend I met some while ago though regrettably lost touch with, she too of public service, and of conviction of merit, continuing her academic studies in positive manner. I offer her opine upon her essay work, required for presentation for educational merit.
Since the New Year, I have become more self-disciplined in the provision of 500 word text within a structured timeframe. Well one can always offer assistance; even if it not taken. With a forthcoming assessment due, it’s hoped that achievement will follow! Followers of my arm will be interested (?) to know that I think I have sussed out the cause, and his name be Arthur, Arthur Ritus! Oh old age you are a bugger - especially when I view Linda on U-Tube! I reminisce of a time when youthful exuberance was common place and once again reflect upon the importance of living for the moment. Although Linda still retains her charms, my mirror shows, time is not as forgiving – lol.
To coin a phrase (One of mine) “The joyous memories of tomorrow will be based on the pleasure that we get from whilst living in and for today”
I make a few trips to the library, though find disappointment as the book I ordered of Wiccan theme has not yet come in – though maybe it’s popularity being the reason – hmm.
This week marked the US holiday of MLK; a man of conviction, courage and inspiration. I have his speech posted up on my living room wall as a reminder that the 60s were not all spectrum colours and peace and Love, but built on a solid Black and White foundation of status that needed to be challenged and overcome before the pleasures could be embraced and enjoyed – something that many forget. I remember as a (very) young child being so impressed with his aura, a champion of just cause and a man destined to be a noted figure in history –the memory continues.
I had a visitor on Wednesday, a rather attractive young lady who with cheery smile and tender words attempted me to commit to a Direct Debit to assist an animal charity; though the cause worthy, financial restraint is with us all, it was only after reflection that although her convictions seemed to be true, there is always the taste of scam in the air and maybe my subconscious instinct served me well. Too suspicious, maybe but then again
I chat with another young lady. A friend I met some while ago though regrettably lost touch with, she too of public service, and of conviction of merit, continuing her academic studies in positive manner. I offer her opine upon her essay work, required for presentation for educational merit.
Since the New Year, I have become more self-disciplined in the provision of 500 word text within a structured timeframe. Well one can always offer assistance; even if it not taken. With a forthcoming assessment due, it’s hoped that achievement will follow! Followers of my arm will be interested (?) to know that I think I have sussed out the cause, and his name be Arthur, Arthur Ritus! Oh old age you are a bugger - especially when I view Linda on U-Tube! I reminisce of a time when youthful exuberance was common place and once again reflect upon the importance of living for the moment. Although Linda still retains her charms, my mirror shows, time is not as forgiving – lol.
To coin a phrase (One of mine) “The joyous memories of tomorrow will be based on the pleasure that we get from whilst living in and for today”
Friday, 20 January 2012

Long before the chants from the football (/soccer) terraces, the 1981 film of a 'Bad Moon Rising' and the 1961 'Marcels' hit record, there was, is and will be the 'Blue Moon'. English usage of the title; according to the Oxford English Dictionary, refers to a Blue Moon coming from a proverb recorded in 1528: -
"If they say the moon is blue, we must believe that it is true"
The next expected occurrence being 21/08/13 then 21/05/16 with the next time a Blue Moon due to dawn on New Year’s Eve being 2028 - Witch will coincide with a total lunar eclipse - surely is worth the wait? The familiar phrase "once in a blue moon" is, it seems, not a mere expression. Blue Luna; I feel, has a magical allure – indeed, it is a time when many covens hold their initiations.
Whist signifying rarity, reported sightings at two notable events in history, Krakatoa (1883) and more recently Mount St. Helens (1980) is quite ominous, so may be just as well less frequent.
Pagan Lore has varying definitions, with the origin unsubstantiated. One is that it holds an energy held by Grandmother Goddess in her 3 forms of Maiden, Mother and Crone (similarly, it is aligned with the auras of Mind, Body and Spirit) The later evolution of Christianity, associating such with the Divine Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit also shows a symbol of reverence. Other traditions favour the transition of knowledge and teachings, resulting in enlightenment. That she represents a time of heightened or clearer communication, of and for our mental awareness, when we are more attuned to and linking of both masculine and feminine spiritual clarity and thereby more apt to yield a greater insight. I have; as far back as I can remember, felt drawn to the serene calmness that Lady Luna brings. When frustrated in mind, heart or body, when dazed and confused and when opening up to the realisation of I find her silent presence. Each of us attune with an element of significance. Not only am I drawn to Luna beauty, I am with that of the Wolf; such a union that seems to be inevitably connected.
Forlorn too is the myth of a lover pining for a love of unification that never will be, the sadness of Blue may too have a significance; dependant on circumstance and/or relevance. Still, though Blue may be the colour, there is also; I feel, a conclusion that upon the end of the night, and by the next day the vision is all that is Blue; of sadness, negativity and ill fortune will be gone, and a new dawn of hope and better favour will be upon all
Beaming down, through darkest night
Luna glows, with coloured light
Under witch, we all can share
Enlightenment, and with gentle care
Moonbeams, that with glow she brings
Overtures - that sweetly sing
Of Witch we all, embrace anew
Natures gift - through moon of Blue
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Back to work 2K12
Monday, and I am slightly disappointed to come back from the library bookless. The tone I had ordered of Wiccan content had still not arrived. I have not been there for a while and found; perhaps unsurprisingly, IT had made its way there too, still, there has to be a place for books to remain surely? The other thing I found out was the reduction of opening hours, due to Public spending cuts and less usage, I guess we should all be aware and remember to “use it or lose it”
Following a respite of leave, I prepare for the day – can’t put it off any longer, and for the first time this year, I return to work.
The new haircut seems to go down well with positive comments coming from two of the younger girls within the office – which is nice, although comment from a male supervisor of “you look almost smart today Billy ... almost” brings me back down to earth.
The negative email that greets me (et al) regarding the latest proposal for financial and job cuts to the workforce, sees disappointment, although there seems a general acceptance of and generally felt belief of mis-managerial practices, there remains a degree of solidarity remaining – things have to get better sometime – just not today.
I ease back into work with a familiar un-expectancy, though maybe it is because I had detached myself so fully whilst away from it, auto-pilot naturally kicks in and I am away, though it seems that a testing of the arms strength may be relevant
Gentle banter during the day sees one of the girls tagged with a new nickname, thanks to olde British TV, and Lady Emily (formerly Lady Penelope-Thunderbirds) is born.
A late night call (for her kit) sees a return to football activity of my younger daughter, which stimulates my itchy feet, and I wonder if I follow suit and participate in the Unit football fun – hmm, Ill think on it over the weekend.
I look to update my Pagan Blog for the week with my choice of A is for Aries, though as I begin to look into my persona, I find that my normal target of 500 words will be far too short for to do it justice, so I move to another.
The 13th is day of notorious fortune. For me, it is a good one, and I purchase this week’s lottery numbers in the hope of financial reward (those fingers are crossed)
I do some Samaritan work, as I assist a neighbour (of sight not knowing) with use of some de-icer; for it is a cold start to the day.
Nevertheless, it is an enjoyable end to the 4 day week, as the teamwork, camaraderie and spirit see humour and work wind down for a good weekend – one can hope.
I post my Blog for Pagan with my A subject being Afterlife (see related post) and I guess I must look into the B’s for my next topic.
Following a respite of leave, I prepare for the day – can’t put it off any longer, and for the first time this year, I return to work.
The new haircut seems to go down well with positive comments coming from two of the younger girls within the office – which is nice, although comment from a male supervisor of “you look almost smart today Billy ... almost” brings me back down to earth.
The negative email that greets me (et al) regarding the latest proposal for financial and job cuts to the workforce, sees disappointment, although there seems a general acceptance of and generally felt belief of mis-managerial practices, there remains a degree of solidarity remaining – things have to get better sometime – just not today.
I ease back into work with a familiar un-expectancy, though maybe it is because I had detached myself so fully whilst away from it, auto-pilot naturally kicks in and I am away, though it seems that a testing of the arms strength may be relevant
Gentle banter during the day sees one of the girls tagged with a new nickname, thanks to olde British TV, and Lady Emily (formerly Lady Penelope-Thunderbirds) is born.
A late night call (for her kit) sees a return to football activity of my younger daughter, which stimulates my itchy feet, and I wonder if I follow suit and participate in the Unit football fun – hmm, Ill think on it over the weekend.
I look to update my Pagan Blog for the week with my choice of A is for Aries, though as I begin to look into my persona, I find that my normal target of 500 words will be far too short for to do it justice, so I move to another.
The 13th is day of notorious fortune. For me, it is a good one, and I purchase this week’s lottery numbers in the hope of financial reward (those fingers are crossed)
I do some Samaritan work, as I assist a neighbour (of sight not knowing) with use of some de-icer; for it is a cold start to the day.
Nevertheless, it is an enjoyable end to the 4 day week, as the teamwork, camaraderie and spirit see humour and work wind down for a good weekend – one can hope.
I post my Blog for Pagan with my A subject being Afterlife (see related post) and I guess I must look into the B’s for my next topic.
Friday, 13 January 2012

My second A is for Afterlife.
There is nothing to fear when one passes on, it is more of an inconvenience to suffer. Although leaving behind loved ones can make folk sad, one has to accept that all things must pass, the circle of life is like the seasons, continuing on an ever turning wheel.
I believe in a spiritual pathway that sees us ascend to another plain. When the time comes, shaking loose these mortal shackles, we are free to express ourselves with exuberance, to run, to play in greener pastures and fields of gold.
Maybe a paradise there be, maybe reincarnation lies beyond, or maybe we dwell in respite prior to returning to another form of existence (both known and unknown).
I have often heard the comment "I must have been bad in another life" when things go awry, and there are those who feel they have past-life memories with visions of unknown origins. Though its true there is no way of being sure with hard and fast assuredly, who can refute such with equally certainty?
As the body fades to dust, the aura has to go somewhere, and the recycling of soul is something that many tenets teach. A lot of religions use this as a shadowed threat for compliance to their doctrine. My faith is based around conviction of conscience and needs not a stick or carrot to persuade me, my credo is a choice embraced without fear or reservation.
Different traditions suggest different viewpoints. Whether it’s is Summerland; Wiccan concept of paradise, a place of comfort for souls and source of the renewal of mystical energy; where one experiences happiness and sensual pleasure.
‘Valhalla’ the "Hall of the Slain" a land where the spirits of noble warriors from Norse myth embark to, before feasting well prior to assisting the gods in the apocalyptic battle that is said to occur at the end of age.
Hades; the site of Greek myth, a 3 zoned land of ‘just and due reward’ or the attuning to Druidic lore, that sees the spirit sail to the isle of Avalon, the Isle of Apples and Arthurian legend.
For peace of mind, one chooses their own version for contentment, and therein finds their personal serenity or goal to strive for.
Departing this sphere, grief can comes with a sense of personal loss, emptiness and loneliness moreover to those left behind. Though rather than a fear for the fate of the deceased, we should encourage hope and joy rather than fear. Those left behind facing the aftermath of such departure, appraised with more understanding will allow I feel a degree of solace.
What lies beyond and how we move to, reside, and move on from is a process that many conjecture over, though it is an important tenet of Paganism, for there is much to look forward to awaiting over the rainbow Be not afraid of the unknown, it is only an answer to a question that we have yet to calculate
There is nothing to fear when one passes on, it is more of an inconvenience to suffer. Although leaving behind loved ones can make folk sad, one has to accept that all things must pass, the circle of life is like the seasons, continuing on an ever turning wheel.
I believe in a spiritual pathway that sees us ascend to another plain. When the time comes, shaking loose these mortal shackles, we are free to express ourselves with exuberance, to run, to play in greener pastures and fields of gold.
Maybe a paradise there be, maybe reincarnation lies beyond, or maybe we dwell in respite prior to returning to another form of existence (both known and unknown).
I have often heard the comment "I must have been bad in another life" when things go awry, and there are those who feel they have past-life memories with visions of unknown origins. Though its true there is no way of being sure with hard and fast assuredly, who can refute such with equally certainty?
As the body fades to dust, the aura has to go somewhere, and the recycling of soul is something that many tenets teach. A lot of religions use this as a shadowed threat for compliance to their doctrine. My faith is based around conviction of conscience and needs not a stick or carrot to persuade me, my credo is a choice embraced without fear or reservation.
Different traditions suggest different viewpoints. Whether it’s is Summerland; Wiccan concept of paradise, a place of comfort for souls and source of the renewal of mystical energy; where one experiences happiness and sensual pleasure.
‘Valhalla’ the "Hall of the Slain" a land where the spirits of noble warriors from Norse myth embark to, before feasting well prior to assisting the gods in the apocalyptic battle that is said to occur at the end of age.
Hades; the site of Greek myth, a 3 zoned land of ‘just and due reward’ or the attuning to Druidic lore, that sees the spirit sail to the isle of Avalon, the Isle of Apples and Arthurian legend.
For peace of mind, one chooses their own version for contentment, and therein finds their personal serenity or goal to strive for.
Departing this sphere, grief can comes with a sense of personal loss, emptiness and loneliness moreover to those left behind. Though rather than a fear for the fate of the deceased, we should encourage hope and joy rather than fear. Those left behind facing the aftermath of such departure, appraised with more understanding will allow I feel a degree of solace.
What lies beyond and how we move to, reside, and move on from is a process that many conjecture over, though it is an important tenet of Paganism, for there is much to look forward to awaiting over the rainbow Be not afraid of the unknown, it is only an answer to a question that we have yet to calculate
Sunday, 8 January 2012
ALTAR - Review:

My first Pagan posting of the year, and as I am a week behind written in haste। I feel however it captures the spirit of the subject matter to some, if not all extent
My A is for Altars for I have two. I believe in the balance the light the dark and; more relevantly I think, the shadows in between.
My Altar White is situated near to the front window at the bottom of my stairs. With natural light and fresh air of opened window that allows the growth of flowers to bloom. Along with this I have elemental representation of soil from the Earth of Avalon’s slopes, Spring Water; also obtained from Glastonbury village, Fire is represented by the aromatic candles lit every night, and a simple White feather which blew in on the breeze of Air resting naturally on the table by seemingly spiritual guidance.
Around the base I have stone, wood, heather and aromatic sticks of essence. I place fresh flowers in the vase above, along with crystals of several choice; witch I wash upon every Luna passing.
This set against a background of tree branch taken from the background of my garden of witch I hang bracelet; again of crystals, gifts that came to me from unknown origin. Nymphs stand either side of the window, with fallen leaf that gently fade as the seasons pass.
Beneath my daughters of allure and wisdom three; standing on a plinth that holds a silver crystal and carved Goddess image of ancient past, are other representatives of acknowledgement. The one that stands out being the gift of ancient hand carved token of Wolf design. It is another gift from another time and place (originating from a small New Mexican village) and holds particular significance as a symbol of simplicity and spirituality.
Finally, I place fruit of the seasons, as well as providing part of my 5ive a day, it is a reminder that for, and with every season there is a time – as the lines states is to “turn, turn, turn”, and as such though I keep the principles, I make movement to their standing and utilise their properties when heeding to ritual practice.
My second Altar, I position under the stairs, there within the shadows it is dark and though has a degree of Black (for balance) it is with respectful acknowledgement that I lay my items of dead flower, rotten fruit and decayed material – though they may not be alive, they are far from dead, and sit there before going to that witch lies beyond. There are also objects of elemental importance - though not as ‘perky’ there are nevertheless relevant and important to hold.
In the performance of ritual I am mindful and careful, for whilst being somewhat of an academic novice, I am aware of the consequences of using the magic. Though it is moreover drawn by personal instinct the course I take is I feel is the right one – for I do have faith
My A is for Altars for I have two. I believe in the balance the light the dark and; more relevantly I think, the shadows in between.
My Altar White is situated near to the front window at the bottom of my stairs. With natural light and fresh air of opened window that allows the growth of flowers to bloom. Along with this I have elemental representation of soil from the Earth of Avalon’s slopes, Spring Water; also obtained from Glastonbury village, Fire is represented by the aromatic candles lit every night, and a simple White feather which blew in on the breeze of Air resting naturally on the table by seemingly spiritual guidance.
Around the base I have stone, wood, heather and aromatic sticks of essence. I place fresh flowers in the vase above, along with crystals of several choice; witch I wash upon every Luna passing.
This set against a background of tree branch taken from the background of my garden of witch I hang bracelet; again of crystals, gifts that came to me from unknown origin. Nymphs stand either side of the window, with fallen leaf that gently fade as the seasons pass.
Beneath my daughters of allure and wisdom three; standing on a plinth that holds a silver crystal and carved Goddess image of ancient past, are other representatives of acknowledgement. The one that stands out being the gift of ancient hand carved token of Wolf design. It is another gift from another time and place (originating from a small New Mexican village) and holds particular significance as a symbol of simplicity and spirituality.
Finally, I place fruit of the seasons, as well as providing part of my 5ive a day, it is a reminder that for, and with every season there is a time – as the lines states is to “turn, turn, turn”, and as such though I keep the principles, I make movement to their standing and utilise their properties when heeding to ritual practice.
My second Altar, I position under the stairs, there within the shadows it is dark and though has a degree of Black (for balance) it is with respectful acknowledgement that I lay my items of dead flower, rotten fruit and decayed material – though they may not be alive, they are far from dead, and sit there before going to that witch lies beyond. There are also objects of elemental importance - though not as ‘perky’ there are nevertheless relevant and important to hold.
In the performance of ritual I am mindful and careful, for whilst being somewhat of an academic novice, I am aware of the consequences of using the magic. Though it is moreover drawn by personal instinct the course I take is I feel is the right one – for I do have faith
Week 1 2K12
It is the first week of 2012, and just as a Monday morning is a disappointment to the week when returning to work, I like to take leave of absence at this time from returning to society norm – so I did. It does, I feel, provide a respite following the hullabaloo of Christian and New Year celebrations.
I begin my first project of the year with a commitment of noting daily thoughts in my page a day diary; which in the past I have waned in my fortitude of such. At least this year, the impetus to provide review notes for my weekly Blog may, give reason to commit to such.
Three days in, and a now re-opened barber shop sees somewhat of a change, and a number 3, squared back and fringe cut sees fresh face for a fresh year.
Because; it would seem, of the festive break, I receive a belated Yuletide present from across the pond - what an admirable gift it be. The adoption of an endangered animal is the least one can do, and it was my friend Emily who did so, on my behalf. Her choice was a Gray Wolf; an animal in real decline, on behalf of defenders of wildlife organisation. It is an obvious; though very much overlooked choice of gift, and be it animals (endangered), natures woes (rain forests) humanitarian (destitution, post war and natural disasters) need, or the Green warriors of conviction, it seems to me there can be few more gratifying gifts to give than a donation to others who; despite our moaning and groaning about how down we are, there are others and places lying in far darker places than we are, go to or even dare not think to be. It is a choice of gift; appropriate to the person, of which I intend to make to others in lieu of my affection and conviction of conscience.
I explain to my Grand Daughter my thinking on this, and it brings a smile to her face; so I know she approves and will be duly appreciative. I have the pleasure of her company for a full day which is always nice and educational (though to whom, and by whom is debatable)
In the latter part of the first period of anew, I make contact with another FB friend; whom I originally met two years plus ago whilst at the educational establishment of union training. Now politically active for a party to which she has an affinity with. The date we arrange should meet with interesting topic, theme and discussion.A minor concern is a loss of strength to my right hand. The elbow is a location of pain, with the broken bone to my hand feeling the curse of arthritis that deprives me of the actions that my body can’t, but my mind thinks it ought to be able to do. Ho hum, I’ll deal, it’s not like it’s the end of the world – although it is 2012 – Ooh Err
I begin my first project of the year with a commitment of noting daily thoughts in my page a day diary; which in the past I have waned in my fortitude of such. At least this year, the impetus to provide review notes for my weekly Blog may, give reason to commit to such.
Three days in, and a now re-opened barber shop sees somewhat of a change, and a number 3, squared back and fringe cut sees fresh face for a fresh year.
Because; it would seem, of the festive break, I receive a belated Yuletide present from across the pond - what an admirable gift it be. The adoption of an endangered animal is the least one can do, and it was my friend Emily who did so, on my behalf. Her choice was a Gray Wolf; an animal in real decline, on behalf of defenders of wildlife organisation. It is an obvious; though very much overlooked choice of gift, and be it animals (endangered), natures woes (rain forests) humanitarian (destitution, post war and natural disasters) need, or the Green warriors of conviction, it seems to me there can be few more gratifying gifts to give than a donation to others who; despite our moaning and groaning about how down we are, there are others and places lying in far darker places than we are, go to or even dare not think to be. It is a choice of gift; appropriate to the person, of which I intend to make to others in lieu of my affection and conviction of conscience.
I explain to my Grand Daughter my thinking on this, and it brings a smile to her face; so I know she approves and will be duly appreciative. I have the pleasure of her company for a full day which is always nice and educational (though to whom, and by whom is debatable)
In the latter part of the first period of anew, I make contact with another FB friend; whom I originally met two years plus ago whilst at the educational establishment of union training. Now politically active for a party to which she has an affinity with. The date we arrange should meet with interesting topic, theme and discussion.A minor concern is a loss of strength to my right hand. The elbow is a location of pain, with the broken bone to my hand feeling the curse of arthritis that deprives me of the actions that my body can’t, but my mind thinks it ought to be able to do. Ho hum, I’ll deal, it’s not like it’s the end of the world – although it is 2012 – Ooh Err
Sunday, 1 January 2012
And so IT is a New Year
Whenever ones New Year is to the individual, a time which each of us can relate to, there lies the opportunity to make changes to habits, addictions and indeed lifestyles. Though my faith looks to February as the onset of the year and March is the Seasons start, the calendar looks at this day as the end/start of a period anew. Traditionally, it is a time to make of resolutions, to change, cut out vices, start regimes of diet and give fresh focus to the forthcoming time ahead.
I have plenty of times to do so as each of the eight Sabbats give an opportunity to do so, witch I would rather do than wait for an annual review.
It is therefore not so much a reflection over the past twelve months, but a more gradual and recently more intensively muse that I find I am entering a new phase of lifestyle.
It is a case of embracing solitude; not so much that it accepts an inevitability of defeatism, for my Arien persona could not allow that. It is moreover that I look to the persona of youth’s importance of values, and to embrace the living for and of the moment. Not so much selfishness but usage of self focus and self-responsibility.
This week I had the misfortune to lose the ability to surf upon the inter-waves – finding it to be of most inconvenience; especially at the time when communication is most relevant.
When one is left without the use of IT, whether it is due to virus contraction, power shut down of equipment breakdown, IT becomes evident how reliant we are of IT. The usage of communication WW, access to information and social enjoyment makes IT, habitual to some, addictive to others and in some cases even obsessive. IT seems that the attraction of the Goggle box has been replaced by the reliance of the interface of the PC.
Disassociation from the Interweb is not something that I would recommend however, IT is a tool of education and self-development and along with the capabilities that international understanding has to offer something we would be remiss to ignore.
Though I could have made use of the library or internet cafes that are to hand, I chose instead to take a break from the cyber world for a week; whilst going back to the basics may go against my policy of ‘tree watch’, the ideas of creative mind and returning to my minds experiences and imagination was certainly a throw-back Those days of mental analysis and theoretical muse often provides inspiration then, and indeed, now. When one combines the mental and methodical calculations that witch we have at our disposal, then the combination of IT and me, can be a myriad of expansive fantasy and adventure – ah the onset of the diary New Year, with all that I and IT provide can be if not spectacular then of quirky and slightly unnervingly mix and fun – It the kinda guy I am.
I have plenty of times to do so as each of the eight Sabbats give an opportunity to do so, witch I would rather do than wait for an annual review.
It is therefore not so much a reflection over the past twelve months, but a more gradual and recently more intensively muse that I find I am entering a new phase of lifestyle.
It is a case of embracing solitude; not so much that it accepts an inevitability of defeatism, for my Arien persona could not allow that. It is moreover that I look to the persona of youth’s importance of values, and to embrace the living for and of the moment. Not so much selfishness but usage of self focus and self-responsibility.
This week I had the misfortune to lose the ability to surf upon the inter-waves – finding it to be of most inconvenience; especially at the time when communication is most relevant.
When one is left without the use of IT, whether it is due to virus contraction, power shut down of equipment breakdown, IT becomes evident how reliant we are of IT. The usage of communication WW, access to information and social enjoyment makes IT, habitual to some, addictive to others and in some cases even obsessive. IT seems that the attraction of the Goggle box has been replaced by the reliance of the interface of the PC.
Disassociation from the Interweb is not something that I would recommend however, IT is a tool of education and self-development and along with the capabilities that international understanding has to offer something we would be remiss to ignore.
Though I could have made use of the library or internet cafes that are to hand, I chose instead to take a break from the cyber world for a week; whilst going back to the basics may go against my policy of ‘tree watch’, the ideas of creative mind and returning to my minds experiences and imagination was certainly a throw-back Those days of mental analysis and theoretical muse often provides inspiration then, and indeed, now. When one combines the mental and methodical calculations that witch we have at our disposal, then the combination of IT and me, can be a myriad of expansive fantasy and adventure – ah the onset of the diary New Year, with all that I and IT provide can be if not spectacular then of quirky and slightly unnervingly mix and fun – It the kinda guy I am.
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